TAMU MATH 152 - MATH 152 Syllabus - Spring 2015

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Math 152 Engineering Mathematics II Sections 513 515 519 524 Spring 2015 Instructor Dr Mariya Vorobets Class hours 513 515 519 521 522 524 MWF TR MWF 10 20 11 10 11 10 12 25 11 30 12 10 HELD 107 BLOC 166 HELD 107 Web page http math tamu edu mvorobet Math152 S15 Office BLOC 223A e mail mvorobet math tamu edu Office hours TR 1 00 2 30 or by appointment Recitations 513 R 2 20 3 10 514 R 3 55 4 45 515 R 5 30 6 20 519 W 12 40 1 30 520 W 1 50 2 40 521 W 3 00 3 50 522 R 8 00 8 50 523 R 9 35 10 25 524 R 11 10 12 00 BLOC 121 THOM 121 BLOC 121 CE 134 CE 136 BLOC 149 BLOC 164 CE 136 BLOC 124 Labs 513 514 515 519 520 521 522 523 524 BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC BLOC T 2 20 3 10 T 3 55 4 45 T 5 30 6 20 M 12 40 1 30 M 1 50 2 40 M 3 00 3 50 T 8 00 8 50 T 9 35 10 25 T 11 10 12 00 Teaching assistant 513 515 Roman Kogan 519 521 Shuai Ye 522 524 Justin Cantu 122 123 126 123 122 128 122 123 124 email romwell math tamu edu email yes1989 math tamu edu email justincc math tamu edu Prerequisite MATH 151 or equivalent Texts J Stewart CALCULUS Early Vectors ISBN 9781428251427 will be provided in electronic book format through the WebAssign system Buying a paper copy is optional A Gilat MATLAB An Introduction with Applications 5th Edition Wiley Publishing ISBN 9781118629864 Course Web Page The course web page will be my main source of communication to you aside from class and office hours Check the course page regularly for announcements exam information and the course schedule The Mathematics Department has a web page for Math 152 http www math tamu edu courses math152 Here you can find a description of the course approximate weekly schedule past exams help session schedules and other information Email Policy Check your official TAMU email account regularly You are responsible for any information I send via email Because of the privacy rights I cannot discuss grades via email or over the phone Please include your name and the section number in the subject line 1 Online homework Homework will be assigned online on the WebAssign system for each section and will be due regularly You may use scratch paper calculators etc on the online homework The deadlines are programmed into the computer system so submitting your homework well before the deadline is recommended If you submit your homework late the computer will automatically give you a zero for the assignment and not record your answers You are responsible for remembering to do the homework The lowest three homework grades will be dropped at the end of the semester For more information see http www math tamu edu ehmwk Suggested homework Selected problems from your textbook will be assigned but NOT graded You are strongly recommended to do all of them which will provide a valuable practice for both on line HWs and exams For list of suggested HWs see http www math tamu edu courses math152 currenthw html Computer labs Computer labs will be assigned in section each week with breaks for the exams These assignments will be done in a group Groups will be assigned in section during the first week of classes Quizzes Quizzes will be given regularly almost every week except exam weeks during the recitation meeting on Thusdays All of them are mandatory although a couple of worst grades will be dropped at the end of the semester That is why NO MAKE UP QUIZZES Each student has to buy pack of 15 ScanTron Forms 815E and turn in to the TA before the 1st quiz Grading Your grade will be determined by three exams a cumulative final exam and a laboratory grades The weights of each of these are as follows Exam I 1 6 of course grade Feb 19 Exam II 1 6 of course grade March 26 Exam III 1 6 of course grade Apr 28 Final Exam 1 4 of course grade Homework 1 20 of course grade Quizzes 1 10 of course grade Lab reports 1 10 of course grade You must bring either your student ID or your driver s license to each of the above exams There will be no extra credit under any circumstances Exams I II and III are common exams same exam is given for all sections of Math 152 and are administered in the evenings from 7 30 9 30 PM An examination room would be announced in class and posted on the course website as soon as it is assigned A two hour 513 515 519 521 522 524 comprehensive FINAL exam will be given on May 11 8 00 10 00 HELD 107 May 7 3 00 5 00 BLOC 166 May 12 10 30 12 30 HELD 107 I may curve any grade and will then compute the course grade by the following rule A for at least 90 points B for at least 80 points C for at least 70 points D for at least 60 points and F for less than 60 points Help Sessions The Mathematics Department offers help sessions for Math 152 students See http www math tamu edu courses helpsessions html for more information Week in Review There will be a week in review conducted by Dr Sinjini Sengupta Wednesdays 7 30 9 30 PM in BLOC 166 and Dr Kamran Reihani the dates and times will be announced in class Problems will be posted before each session For more information see http www math tamu edu ssinjini Math152 WIR html and http www math tamu edu reihani WIRSpring2015 Weekly Schedule Week 1 area Week 2 Week 3 Sections 6 4 6 5 7 1 Review of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus integration by substitution Sections 7 1 7 2 Area ctd volumes by slicing disks washers Sections 7 3 7 4 Volume by cylindrical shells work 2 Week Week 8 2 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 4 5 Sections 7 5 8 1 8 2 Average value integration by parts trigonometric integrals Sections 8 3 8 4 Trigonometric substitution partial fractions Exam 1 Covers through Section 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sections 8 9 9 3 9 4 Improper integrals arc length surface area of revolution Section 10 1 10 2 Sequences and Series Sections 10 2 10 3 Series convergence tests Section 10 4 Absolute Convergence convergence tests Exam 2 Covers through Section 10 3 Sections 10 5 10 6 Power Series representing functions as power series Sections 10 7 10 9 Taylor and Maclaurin Series applications of Taylor series Section 11 1 11 2 3 D coordinates vectors dot product Section 11 3 Cross Product Thanksgiving falls on this week in the fall 13 4 Polar Coordinates Exam 3 …

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TAMU MATH 152 - MATH 152 Syllabus - Spring 2015

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