UH CHEM 3332 - ch16work2key

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f S Wl Chapter 16 Worksheet 02 Classify the following compounds as aromatic A antiaromatic AA or nonaromatic NA 2 3 Q g 10 1 a r CP 10 rr IDTIe 7 10 5f 14 15 H 7 s explqv o h01A r rrJbJo ill 1 1 O 10 8 18 le N 20 19 See exf vt J1 l s ry s p1 CO l pS PDYb W 10 7f e IYl KJ 22 N Sf www ochemweb com N 25 ri l N N 3 kr e 7e r X J yl AJ 1 01 to l ed ro In f I ofh 7 AJ Yl f 1 5f h br tJ Yl 27 5p 1 00 5 i f 1 hJbr J g Tfe rrt IT l h rI 4 h o 5p1 b J b 1fe 28 26 J P 29 ceo loTh In f 1 hJ br cl D r 30 ffo lo1ie b r Sf Ca r hI l I f 0 r b i f oJ Cbt t t c 6Tfc Pi t Loor b cC CO l 11l 1 t1 US 5f1 J o AJ So i Cl1I e OvcxJ f 31 Sf 1 cP 32 8 t f1 1 C Mf PD fb 1 0 0 B I b1Te 0 All f1oVl1 k t fl Y q 1 e iii CH 3 Sfv ill f 1 CH 3 d 3 33 H3 C B 0 B CH 3 2 Tle I B Sf 34 CH 3 OH J 35 D 2 11 t ne EJ 36 LA www ochemweb com 37 39 41 www ochemweb com

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UH CHEM 3332 - ch16work2key

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