UH CHEM 3332 - ch20+21_worksheet_01

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Chapter 20 21 Worksheet 01 Nomenclature Give an acceptable IUPAC name for each of the following compounds Be sure to indicate the stereochemistry where appropriate CO2H 1 CO2 H 2 O 3 O CO2H 4 O CH3CH2 C 5 NH2 CH3 C CO2H HO 6 CO2H O NC 7 CO2H www zadefaraj com CO2H 8 NO2 NO2 9 CO2 H HO O O 10 OH CN CO2H O O 11 HO OH O O 12 OH HO Ph O CN 13 HO OH O O www zadefaraj com CO2 H 14 CO2H CO2H 15 CO2H CO2H 16 NO2 CO2H O 17 O CH3 O 18 O O 19 O O NH2 20 O O www zadefaraj com OH O 21 CN O O 22 CH3CH2 C Cl O 23 Br O 24 CHCl2 C Cl O 25 O O O 26 O O O O O 27 O O 28 O O www zadefaraj com O 29 NH2 O NH2 30 O O OCH3 31 O N C N 32 Cl O C N 33 Br O 34 O C O N O NH2 NH2 35 C N O www zadefaraj com

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UH CHEM 3332 - ch20+21_worksheet_01

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