UH CHEM 3332 - ch_14_spec_i

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Chapter 14 Spectroscopy Worksheet 01 1 The compound with the formula C9H10O exhibits the IR and H NMR spectra shown below Please identify the compound and draw the structure in the box below www ochemweb com 13 2 The compound with the formula C6H14O exhibits the IR and H NMR and proton decoupled C NMR spectra shown below Please i denti fy the compound 13 70 60 50 C NMR 40 PPM 30 20 10 0 www ochemweb com www ochemweb com 13 3 The compound with the formula C5H12O 3 exhibits the IR and H NMR and proton decoupled C NMR spectra shown below Please i denti fy the compound 13 C NMR 140 120 100 80 PPM 60 40 20 0 www ochemweb com 13 4 The compound with the formula C6H10O exhibits the IR and H NMR and proton decoupled C NMR spectra shown below Please i denti fy the compound 13 C NMR 140 120 100 80 PPM 60 40 20 0 www ochemweb com 13 5 The compound with the formula C4H8O exhibits the IR and H NMR and proton decoupled C NMR spectra shown below Please identi fy the compound 13 160 140 120 100 C NMR 80 PPM 60 40 20 0 www ochemweb com www ochemweb com 6 A compound with the formula C5H10O2 exhibits the IR 1 H NMR and proton decoupled shown below Please identify this compound and draw the structure in the box below 13 220 200 180 160 140 13 C NMR spectra C NMR 120 100 PPM 80 60 40 20 0 www ochemweb com 3H 3H 2H 2H www ochemweb com

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UH CHEM 3332 - ch_14_spec_i

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