Pitt PSY 0505 - Serotonin and Satiety
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BIOPSYCH 0780 Edition 1nd Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture How much to we eat I A B II A B C III A B C Hunger Peptides Ghrelin Neuropeptide Y Satiety Signals opposite of hunger signals What they do 2 phenomena s Sensory Specific Satiety Satiety peptides CCK Peptide YY Lepton Outline of Current Lecture I Serotonin and Satiety A Serotonin agonists B Rats reactions C Associated with the shift in food preference D Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine II Theories A Set Point Theories B Glucostatic Theory C Lipostatic Model D Positive Incentive Theory E Setting Point model Current Lecture I Serotonin and Satiety A Serotonin agonists consistently reduced rat food intake in a test B The rats resisted attraction of highly palatable diets during the meal less food was consumed C Associated with the shift in food preference away from fatty foods These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute D Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine agonists found in appetite suppressants for dieting II Theories A Set Point Theories 1 Most people attribute the motivation to eat with the presence of an energy deficit 2 Belief that we eat to bring up our energy resources back up to a optimal level energy set point B Glucostatic Theory 1 Hunger waxes and wanes as a function of blood glucose levels 2 High hunger low glucose levels C Lipostatic Model 1 Decreases in triglycerides make us want to eat and does not match up with hourly and daily hunger 2 There is not a huge decrease in body fat in one day but in a few days you can see changes D Positive Incentive Theory 1 Animals and humans are drawn to eating because of the pleasure it brings 2 The degree of hunger you feel is dependent on all the factors that affect the incentive value of eating flavors that are highly palatable E Setting Point model 1 Weight tends to drift around a natural settling point 2 Settling point is a level at which the various factors that affect body weight reach equilibrium 3 The point at which you are activated to eat changes over time and can change one s weight but body weight does tend to remain relatively constant in many adults

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Serotonin and Satiety

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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