UGC 111R TAs See UBLearns page CONTACTS folder Fall 2015 Donald T McGuire jr Office 330 337 Filmore 645 0745 dmcguire buffalo edu Office hrs W 11am 12pm in Norton 17 Undergraduate Academies Tu 1 2 pm in MFAC 338 by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION Like other sections of UGC 111 ours will examine the major civilizations that developed around the world between prehistoric times and 1500 CE As often as possible we will use literary artistic products and archaeological remains as our windows into these past cultures Along the way we will try not only to define the distinguishing features of the major civilizations but also to assess the accuracy of the various generalizations on which a course of this nature must inevitably depend Attention will be given as well to social status and its relationship to cultural evolution to classical or higher culture vs popular culture and to the different ways in which modern cultures reconstruct and appropriate earlier cultures for their own purposes LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course students should 1 Understand several of the methodologies involved in the recovery of the past 2 Understand several of the different ways that history can be perceived and recorded 3 Understand many of the different criteria that might be included in defining a civilization 4 Recognize and be able to discuss key figures and events and key economic political architectural artistic legal social philosophical geographical literary spiritual popular issues from specific societies covered in the course 5 Recognize and be able to discuss the value of specific primary source documents and understand the difference between primary sources and secondary sources 5 Recognize and be able to discuss the degree to which the many components of different civilizations might have developed independently 6 Recognize and be able to discuss the degree to which the many components of different civilizations might have emerged from cross cultural interactions 7 Recognize and be able to discuss the difficulties posed in recovering histories and materials from some civilizations and from some sectors and classes of familiar civilizations 8 Be able to identify and question some of the stereotypes that modern scholars and students impose on past eras and places SCHEDULE OF TOPICS AND ASSIGNMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS NB all readings are expected to be done before the class at which topic is discussed Midterm and final exams will test students understanding of both the assigned readings and the class lectures I can assure you that the exams will find the gaps in your reading attendance if you skip assignments or lectures Texts D McGuire WHY WORLD HISTORY This is an electronic textbook It has no pagination None of the chapters are very long you re welcome When a chapter is to be covered in a single lecture read the entire chapter for that day When a chapter stretches over more than one class read the first few sections for Day 1 of the topic and more sections for Days 2 and 3 Beginning in the 2nd week of the semester you will be required to submit assignments and quizzes to the textbook website so you do need to get this text Apuleius THE GOLDEN ASS PG Walsh translator GA below Week 1 T Sept 1 Intro contemplate ORLAN in class http www orlan net http www english ucsb edu faculty ecook courses eng114em surgeries htm Th Sept 3 Paleolithic Neolithic MCGUIRE Introduction and Paleolithic and Neolithic Visit Lascaux Cave http www culture gouv fr culture arcnat chauvet en index html Read Smithsonian article on Gobekli Tepe http www smithsonianmag com history archaeology 30706129 html Week 2 T Sep 8 Mesopotamia MCGUIRE Mesopotamia Read Epic of Gilgamesh Prologue and chapters 1 4 7 skim 2 and 3 http www aina org books eog eog pdf Skim Code of Hammurabi Prologue and Laws 1 30 http www fordham edu halsall ancient hamcode asp text Th Sep 10 Egypt MCGUIRE Egypt View read about Narmer Palette both reverse and obverse sides at http www reshafim org il ad egypt narmer index html Read Hymn to the Nile http www fordham edu halsall ancient hymn nile asp Week 3 Sunday September 13 Textbook quizzes on Paleo Neo and Mesopotamia must be done T Sep 15 Egypt 2 MCGUIRE Egypt Read full article on Tut DNA at http ngm nationalgeographic com 2010 09 tut dna hawass text Th Sep 17 The Near East MCGUIRE Israel and Phoenicia Read Exodus Chapters 1 23 at http ebible org kjv Exodus htm Read web description of the Uluburun shipwreck at http www bodrum museum com museum depts uluburun htm Week 4 Sunday September 20 Textbook quiz on Egypt Israel Phoenicia must be done T Sep 22 Greece 1 Minoans and Mycenaeans MCGUIRE Greece Brief Virtual Tour of Palace at Knossos https www youtube com watch v 4XJd88cTRsU Read Iliad Book 24 at http records viu ca johnstoi homer iliad24 htm Th Sep 24 Greece 2 Classical Greece I MCGUIRE Greece Read Herodotus 1 1 15 and 107 130 at http www iranchamber com history herodotus herodotus history book1 php DISCUSSION BOARDS 1 DUE BY WEEKEND Details shorty Week 5 T Sep 29 NO CLASS Th Oct 1 Greece 3 Classical Greece II MCGUIRE Greece Read Antigone lines 1 541 at http www enotes com topics antigone etext antigone Week 6 Sunday October 4 Textbook quiz on Greece must be done T Oct 6 Rome 1 MCGUIRE Rome Read Livy Histories 1 1 to 1 13 at http mcadams posc mu edu txt ah Livy Livy01 html Read The Golden Ass 1 38 Th Oct 8 Rome 2 MCGUIRE Rome Read Achievements of Augustus at http www fordham edu halsall ancient 14resgestae html Read GOLDEN ASS 39 119 Week 7 T Oct 13 Rome 3 MCGUIRE Rome View images info about Pantheon and Colosseum at http people umass edu latour Italy Pantheon http people umass edu latour Italy TheRomanColosseum index html Read GOLDEN ASS 120 190 Th Oct 15 Rome 4 MysteriesReligions GOLDEN ASS 191 240 DISCUSSION BOARDS 2 DUE BY WEEKEND Details shorty Week 8 Sunday October 18 Textbook quiz on Rome must be done T Oct 20 Th Oct 22 MIDTERM EXAM WEEK no lectures or recitations Week 9 T Oct 27 India 1 MCGUIRE India Rig Veda Book 1 Hymns 1 5 at http oaks nvg org rv1 html Th Oct 29 India 2 MCGUIRE India Life of Buddha at http www pbs org thebuddha Click on the Story and Teachings tab and read from Birth Youth to Death Legacy Baghavad Gita Chapters 1 and 2 http www gita4free com bhagavad gita chapter 1 Week 10 Sunday November 1 Textbook quiz on India must be done T Nov 3 China 1 MCGUIRE China Read examples of Oracle Bone inscriptions at http afe easia columbia edu ps cup oracle bone general pdf Th Nov 5 China
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