IUB CLAS-C 209 - Homework 13

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C 209 Medical Terminology section 7333 Homework Assignment 13 Chapter 13 December 2 2014 Name Jazzmine McDonald Part 1 Analyze Analyze each of the following words In this and in succeeding exercises analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes if any combining forms and suffixes or suffix forms if any and giving the meaning of each component of the term After the word is divided the term should be defined and the part of speech given Do not use a definition copied from a medical dictionary but write your own based on the elements in the term e g analgia an without alg pain ia state or condition The condition of being without pain noun e g auris externa auris feminine nominative singular noun ear externa adjective modifying auris external or externa feminine nominative singular adjective the external ear n 1 Heterochromia iridis heterochromia feminine nominative singular noun a difference in coloration in two anatomical structures or two parts of the same structure which are normally alike in color iridisadjective modifying heterochromia iris A difference in color between the irises of the two eyes or between parts of one iris 2 isocoria is equal same similar alike o combining vowel cor heart ia state or condition State or condition of a similar heart Noun 3 dacryohemorrhea dacry tear lacrimal sac or duct o combining vowel hem blood o combining vowel rrhea profuse discharge hemorrhage The discharge of tears mixed with blood Noun 4 sinistrocular sinister left side oc against toward very thoroughly ular small Small left side Adjective 5 ophthalmia neonatorum ophthalmia feminine nominative singular noun inflammation of the eye neonatorum adjective modifying ophthalmia newborn Acute inflammation of the eyes of a newborn from infection during passage through the birth canal 6 purulent conjunctivitis purulent nominative singular consisting of pus conjunctivitis genitive singular modifying purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye A violently acute inflammation of the conjunctiva with copious pus and a marked tendency for corneal involvement Part 2 Word Derivation Give the word derived from Greek and Latin elements that matches each of the following and provide the part of speech It is not necessary to give combining terms for words in parentheses Verify your answers in a medical dictionary Note that the wording of the dictionary definition may vary from the wording below Use only combining terms learned in this or previous chapters 7 Having a double pupil in the eye Diplocorea Noun 8 Dry mouth Xerostomia Adjective 9 Instrument for observing the lens Stereophthalmoscope Noun 10 Discharge from the eyelid Conjunctivitis Noun

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