IUB CLAS-C 209 - Homework 8

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C 209 Medical Terminology Homework Assignment 8 Chapters 9 Name Jazzmine McDonald Part 1 Analyze Analyze each of the following words In this and in succeeding exercises analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes if any combining forms and suffixes or suffix forms if any and giving the meaning of each Be certain to differentiate between nouns and adjectives in your definitions Do not use a definition copied from a medical dictionary but write your own based on the elements in the term Ex analgia an without alg pain ia noun state or condition A lack of pain n 1 immunogenic immun exempt safe protected o combining vowel genic causing producing caused by produced by or in Producing an immune response Adjective 2 aborad ab away from or mouth opening ad indicates direction toward a part of the body toward In a direction away from the mouth Adjective 3 facial hemiplegia fac make i combining vowel al pertaining to located in Relating to the face Adjective Hemi half pleg strike paralyze ia state or condition Paralysis of one side of the body Noun Whole definition Condition of paralysis on one half of the face Noun 4 fungicide fung mushroom fungus ic pertaining to ide forms names of chemical substances A chemical that destroys fungus Noun 5 cyanhidrosis cyan blue hidr sweat osis abnormal or diseased condition State or condition of blue having blue sweat Noun 6 somnifacient somn sleep i combining vowel fac make ient a person who or thing that does something Someone who produces sleep Noun Part 2 Word Derivation Give the word derived from Greek elements that matches each of the following and provide the part of speech It is not necessary to give combining terms for words in parentheses Verify your answers in a medical dictionary Note that the wording of the dictionary definition may vary from the wording below Use only combining terms learned in this or previous chapters 7 capable of being destroyed by low temperatures Frigolabile Adjective 8 infestation with lice Pediculoses Noun 9 to remove calcium with a resulting weakening of bones Calcium pyrophosphate Noun 10 having a mildly increased body temperature Fever Noun

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