Name Jazzmine McDonald C 209 Medical Terminology Homework Assignment 4 Part 1 Analyze Analyze each of the following words In this and in succeeding exercises analysis should consist of labeling and separating the words into prefixes if any combining forms and suffixes or suffix forms if any and giving the meaning of each component of the term After the word is divided the term should be defined and the part of speech given 1 hemidysesthesia hemi half partial often one side of the body dys difficult painful defective abnormal sia forms abstract nouns state or condition Distortions of the sense of touch on one half of the body dysesthesia on half of the body Noun 2 orthodiagraph ortho straigh erect normal dia through across apart graph write record A radiographic device for recording the size and shape of internal organs Noun 3 tenontomyotomy tenont tendon o combining vowel my close shut o combing vowel tom a cutting slice or incision y state or condition Cutting through the principal tendon of a muscle with partial or complete division of the muscle itself Noun 4 laparocholecystotomy lapar abdomen abdomen wall o combing vowel chole bile gall cyst bladder cyst o combing vowel tom a cutting slice or incision y state or condition Surgical removal of the gall bladder through the abdominal wall Noun 5 achromatotic a not without lacking deficient chromat color pigment otic pertaining to Producing no discoloration Adjective Part 2 Word Derivation Give the word derived from Greek elements that matches each of the following definitions and provide the part of speech for each It is not necessary to give combining terms for words in parentheses Verify your answers in a medical dictionary Note that the wording of the dictionary definition may vary from the wording below Use only combining terms learned in this or previous chapters Name Jazzmine McDonald 6 Branch of medicine dealing with the ear and nose and their diseases Otolaryngology Noun 7 Denoting a head that is pointed and cone like Oxycephaly Noun 8 Heavy thick quality of the voice Baryphonia Adjective Part 3 Content Questions 9 Who was Arachne A mortal woman and talented weaver who challenged Athena goddess of wisdom and crafts and was transformed into a spider Spiders are called arachnids after Arachne 10 Explain what a conjugation is There are different endings for person and number and sometimes for tense mood and voice A Greek verb normally has six different forms on which different tenses are built It provides a way to express the verb in different ways depending on the situation
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