C 209 Medical Terminology Homework Assignment 1 Part 1 Analyze Analyze each of the following words In this and in succeeding exercises analysis should consist of labeling and separating the words into prefixes if any combining forms and suffixes or suffix forms if any and giving the meaning of each component of the term After the word is divided the term should be defined and the part of speech given 1 enterocholecystostomy enter small intestine chol bile gall cyst bladder cyst tomy incision cut A surgical cut between the gallbladder and intestine 2 sarcocarcinoma sarc flesh soft tissue carcinoma cancer lining covering of organs A mixed tumor with characteristics of both sarcomas and carcinomas 3 heteroprosopus heter different other relationship to another pros in place of us person Deformed fetus having one head and two faces 4 allodynia all other divergence difference from dy two twice double nia state or condition Pain from a non noxious stimulus 5 nephrocystanastomosis nephr kidney cyst bladder cyst ana up back against stom opening mouth osis abnormal or diseased condition Part 2 Word Derivation Give the word derived from Greek elements that matches each of the following definitions and provide the part of speech for each It is not necessary to give combining terms for words in parentheses Verify your answers in a medical dictionary Note that the wording of the dictionary definition may vary from the wording below Use only combining terms learned in this or previous chapters 6 Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder Nephritis noun 7 Blue gray slate or purple discoloration of the skin Cyanosis noun 8 Pathological softening of ay structures of the mouth Stomatomalacia noun Part 3 Content Questions 9 What are two ways in which Hippocratic Medicinal Theory fundamentally changed medicine It placed an emphasis on diagnosis and prognosis Also it described that disease as naturally explainable phenomena can be traced throughout the body there for causing the birth of medicine 10 What theory of medicine did Galen attribute to Hippocrates He contributed the theory that stated that disease caused by an imbalance in the vital fluids of the body the four humors theory
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