project04a Program allows user to play Rock Paper and Scissors as many times as desired by entering Y until they enter N Program will print amount of games played amount lost amount won and percentage won User must enter Y N Rock Paper or Scissors with correct capitalization and spelling author version 20140923 public static void main String args Scanner input new Scanner System in int playerWins 0 int compWins 0 int gamesPlayed 0 while true System out println Do you want to play Rock Paper Scissors Y N String play input nextLine user terminates game and program prints number of wins losses and percentage of wins if play equals N System out println You played a total of gamesPlayed matches against the computer System out println The computer won compWins matches System out println You won playerWins matches 0 wins when no games are played if gamesPlayed 0 System out println You won 0 of the time break else if gamesPlayed 0 double totalWins playerWins 100 0 gamesPlayed System out println You won totalWins of the time break else if play equals N play equals Y System out println Invalid entry else System out println Welcome to Rock Paper and Scissors System out print Select Paper Rock or Scissors String decision input nextLine System out println Your selection decision int num int Math random 3 0 1 switch num case 1 if decision equals Rock System out println Tie you and the computer selected rock gamesPlayed else if decision equals Paper System out println You win paper beats rock gamesPlayed playerWins else if decision equals Scissors System out println Computer wins rock beats scissors gamesPlayed compWins else System out println decision is not a valid input break case 2 if decision equals Rock System out println Computer wins rock beats paper gamesPlayed compWins else if decision equals Paper System out println Tie you and the computer selected paper gamesPlayed else if decision equals Scissors System out println You win scissors beats paper gamesPlayed playerWins else System out println decision is not a valid input break case 3 if decision equals Rock System out println You win rock beats scissors gamesPlayed playerWins else if decision equals Paper System out println Computer wins scissors beats paper gamesPlayed compWins else if decision equals Scissors System out println Tie you and the computer selected scissors gamesPlayed else System out println decision is not a valid input break
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