UO HIST 105 - History midterm notes

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Mongols Muslims and the Ming Why did the nomadic threat to sedentary people recede in central Asia China wanted luxury goods outsides its economy since they had everything inside of it China is the biggest export of luxury goods Samarkand was controlled by the Muslims Central trading point Silk Road lots of discussion Trade between China and Western countries Regularly raided by nomadic bandits Innovation and Exchange Windmill European Paper Chinese o Important to west Spinning wheel for wool and cloth Magnetic compass Chinses o Popular for Europeans Astrolabe Chinse o Device to determine time of day though sun and stars Chingis Khan Timujen d 1227 United tribes with a size of 100 people each Established the biggest land empire ever in the world The Steppe Dangerous place for non natives Poor grass for horses Mongol Way of War Raided the silk road every once in a while not too much Highly mobile cavalry Siege tactics o Capture engineers to build siege weapons to destroy walls and castles Used terror as a weapon o Ex Killed all Islam s even though one person was responsible Not interested in assimilation Pax Mongolica Stabilization of the Mongols Kublai Khan Grandson of Chingis Khan First Emperor of China d 1294 Split the leadership into five leaders under him Stable trade rate with silk roads Innovations o Foreigners at court o Use of Chinese Han advisors o China as the main focus for government o Adoption of Chinese imperial rule o Direct contact between east and west o Strong trade support through silk roads o Had rapid reliable communication Yam Two weeks Marco Polo Visits China 1260 s Discovered trade routes in China Shangdu Capital of Kublai Khan s dynasty Black death 1348 Killed 33 of Europe and 100 in other areas Starts to begin the collapse of the Mongols Hongwu Emperor 1368 Ming dynasty 1368 1644 Youngle encyclopedia 1403 Chinas first Inspired later work Movable block printing in color Expansion of Great Way Efficient Governance Ottoman Empire How did the ottomans build a land empire that lasted 450 years Very powerful Since Mongols took over silk roads some merchants moved south because of Mongol temper Mongols did not agree on everything the grandson did Ottomans were in the middle of important trade Constantinople Important effect on trade Built a big church Seljuk Empire 1037 1194 Turks Similar to Mongols Drove the people out of the land what people Took over most of the land Became Islamic Includes Constantinople 1453 Gold port part of Constantinople Ottoman Empire 1299 1923 Powerful surface navy Powerful like the venations Took over the Mediterranean and more Safavid Empire Land conflicted with Ottomans Mughal Empire Now known as India Mughals Indian for Mongol These three empires were known as the gunpowder empires Settle and adopt Turks Ottomans and other empires wanted to settle and adopt Mongols did not People live in Yurts Round shell like roof tops Success of the Ottoman Empire 1 Military Loyalty o Fief Gave land for loyalty in return This expanded the army indirectly gaining more land Loyalty to the state no settling Couldn t stay in fief for too long Ottomans did not want any connections established Reasons above were very effective 2 Building a new power base o The Janissaries First modern army in history loyal to the state o Christian slaves o Civil and military paths o BLANK could not trade furs and stuff so gave them boys that were usually more built strong big and strong Brainwashed these boys men to follow the state Taught them to read write and allowed to marry have children get paid and have a retirement Could be in military or viziers First army to where certain clothing 3 Set up a Revenue System o Vizier Prime minister o Provided local support to keep people at ease o Divan Imperial council dominated by ottomans o BEG local chieftains o These people above were still under the control of the empire but still had power themselves 4 Patronized the arts o Built giant very nice magnificent buildings to show their wealth and power o Did not have to threaten o Suleiman the magnificent 1494 1566 5 Support religion o If people were polytheistic they we persecuted what o If they were monotheistic they were book people book people Usually Christian or Judas o Sharia Islamic law People had their own laws to follow that they made If crime involved Muslim then Sharia was used o Arabic for Qur an o Persian language used for poetry and diplomacy o Caliph is both religious sector leader 6 Attack Infidels o Siege of Vienna 1529 o Islamic and Christian conflict 7 Protect all minorities o The Devshirme took Christian boys and made them slaves o Dhimmi Protected subjects Pay a tax Not Muslim If Islam did not have to pay o Millet cannot abuse Christians everyone has the same rights Recognized autonomous religion community o Islam was tolerant with other religions in but Christians were not nearly as tolerant 8 Remember the less powerful o Street sweepers Guild on parade Ottomans wanted everyone to feel honored in their role 9 Watch your neighbors o Sunni and Shites Ottomans and Safavid who o Tensions o East was concerned since they were Shites 10 Watch for Internal Decay o Military softened Bureaucracy stiffened o Decadence o Religious o Fundamentalism o An imperial Harem The Politicization of the Indian Ocean Why did China mount then abandon its 15th century maritime exploration Why did Spain and Portugal Pioneer Western expansion then lose influence Zheng He s voyages 1405 1433 Established Chinese presence asserted dominance Make an impression Assert Imperial control over Indian Ocean Trade Hunt down predecessor 317 vessels Massive Not for long distance travelling Fleet Treasure ships Horse Ships Supply ships Troop transport Worships Two voyages of Zheng He Kangnido Map 1402 Tributes and gifts Gave gifts to people they met Could show local chieftains the treasure ships Received a giraffe favorite Leaders would receive information Why did the voyages stop Mongol threat would not stop Voyages were just for fun not necessary Too expensive Restoration of the Confucian Scholars advisor of emperor The Islamic Lake Spices from India were driving up competition Battle of Preveza 1538 Ottomans victory over Charles V Circumnavigate Africa Turned alternate route searching to high gear Portuguese Caravel 15th century Addition of sail For shifting waves not as much for wind Made a very big competition with the west Adopted by Greeks Islam s Christopher Columbus 1451 1506 Gen

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UO HIST 105 - History midterm notes

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