WVU RELG 102 - James Lockhart religion

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James Lockhart s Notes Judaism Christianity Abraham Born in Ur iraq God speaks to him leave your father s house I will make you the father of many new nations covenant Sarah Abraham s wife travels with him for years let s him have child with another woman bc she s too old then becomes mother of Isaac Hagar Abraham and Sarah s slave the woman that Abraham has a child with Ishmael her and son are banished to south by Abraham bc of Sarah Ishmael Abraham and Hagar s first born son gets banished to south with mother Hagar Abraham travels once a year to see him Isaac Abraham and Sarah s son Sarah s first born Abraham s second born Isaac has son named Jacob Kabbalah house in Meca built by Abraham and Ishmael for one God this marks the beginning of monotheism Covenant 2 parts God tells Abraham to 1 do as he says and 2 he will keep him safe Abraham travels to promise land contract is broken several times God s fault or the peoples Adam Eve Told not to eat an apple off the tree they don t listen so they re banished instead of kept safe Jacob Son of Isaac dreams of going up ladder and wrestling God for breaking covenant God renames him Israel to symbolize his struggle Israel Jacob s new name verb meaning he she they who struggle to understand the covenantal relationship with God Moses Hears a voice asked to leave his people Jews leads people out of Egypt to Red Sea travels for 40 years through deserts fearful of covenant he goes up mt twice First time gets 10 commandments comes down and sees his people worshipping other Gods Second time says tell me your name God let s his brothers go to promise land but not him because he kicked a rock so he s punished for pride and ego Diaspora to be dispersed from promiseland midrash to interpret gives flexibility to change truth Torah anytime God speaks 5 books of Moses old testament Messiah he she they who lead their people to a safe place on time David King of Israel Messiah only person to understand covenant has a son named Solomon broke covenant by watching other woman shower has her husband leave so he can sleep with her Solomon Son of David tries to outdo his father and take more land than David has taken bc of this the Kingdom gets destroyed Babylonian Pentateuch 5 books of Moses first 5 books of Tanakh Halakhah ongoing Jewish interpretation of the law how to get the covenant right Mitzvot rules Jews are supposed to follow 613 commandments do s and don ts TaNaKh T Torah God s word N Neviim books of prophets K Ketuvim other writings Talmud oral discussion in Jewish communities about what God s word is Haggadah folktales to help explain torah Lilith first woman made in image of God refused to lie beneath Adam banished YHWH YaHWeH God is too big and male spelled w o vowels Shekinah feminine aspect of Jewish God can taste smell touch hear her presence of God Zohar different text 2 realities universe is one commentary on torah Ein Sof universe is one Sephiroth parts manifestations of ein sof Hasidism goal is to pray intensely Daevening practiced prayer intense rocking back and forth Shema statement God is one Devekut to cling to embrace Theodicy theory of why bad things happen to good people Job story is a theodicy Job is the only person on earth keeping covenant Satan tells God that he would break it so God tells Satan to challenge Job Satan consistantly makes bad things happen to Job until one day Job gets mad at God God tells him to keep the faith and gives him his good life back Orthodox Judaism believe it s not possible that God would break the covenant we re the ones breaking it by questioning God should do 2 things 1 Reread and reinterpret God s word 2 Create new rituals Secular Judaism Secular nonreligious don t share the same believes as Jews but value Jewish history don t practice it no longer feel the need to have relationship with God Recontructionist Judaism not enough to practice Judaism as a religion instead all Jewish culture needs to be emphasized Reform Judaism attempts to be as modern as possible modern claims 1 there is a faith 2 human beings have access to the faith Conservative Judaism Impossible for God to break covenant it s the peoples fault zion will come an attempt to make Jewishness go hand in hand with modern day science Noahs Ark An example of God breaking the covenant Gospels means good news 1 the kingdom of heaven is at hand it s close in space and time 2 everybody has access to it 3 4 books of interpretation of jesus s word Lost Gospel of Q book of Jesus s sayings with no story Gospels Mark 1 put together fragments sayings based on community wanted to spread Jesus s word created a story to make it memorable takes it from Q Gospels Matthew 2 interpretive community sayings of Q combined with story of Mark Jewish gospel Gospels Luke 3 pieces of Q Mark and Matthew given to gentiles Gospels John 4 110 120 CE is when it was created theology study of God divinity of Christ Synoptic taking the same point of view describes Mark Matthew and Luke New Testament Mark Matthew Luke and John Nag Hammadi entire corpus of Gospel dated earlier than Mark found by 2 farmers texts not included in bible doesn t agree with Mark Matthew Luke or John Gospel of Thomas similar to Q texts 5 6 pages 114 Jesus sayings not dogmatic dogmatic unchangeably true cannon closed officially recognized views of Jesus s life Gospel of Mary day after Jesus s crusifixtion Mary gives sermon Peter says the master couldn t have preferred a female over them disciple 3 tell him that s how God wanted it so shut up and put on the perfect man Call to discipleship Drop your nets come follow me Jesus to disciples to be a disciple you have to be disciplined Constantine early 300s vision 1 Rome becoming economic capital 2 Rome was pagon young general outskirts of Roman empire has a dream and see s a cross in the sky gets scared and runs to his mother mother knows the symbol and tells him to have it put on the shield he is promoted to emperor of Rome The kingdom of god is at hand it is close in time and space and everyone has access to it but refuses to see it Apostle paul Christianity wouldn t have happened without Paul we re all equal in the kingdom of God there is no Jews or Greek real name is Saul God talks to him and changes his name to Paul he writes a letter to communities Jesus s crucifixion was the ultimate jewish act Jesus died so you do not have to do anything if you act out ceremonies you have no faith …

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