UConn ANTH 1000 - anthro 3

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Exam 3 Review Sheet 6 1 Why is the study of religion of important to Anthropology 2 Why do anthropologists refer to religion as Worldview People try to explain everything and all of reality through their religious beliefs 3 What were two ethnocentric attitudes anthropologists had toward religion in the late 19th and early 20th century 1 The religion of the primitive is only superstition us dichotomy case that any religion was superstition 2 Only science can explain natural reality use religion to explain disease weather etc 4 What were two ways to understand the world of the sacred 1 we invent the reality of sacred scientific way we invented life throughout history 2 we discover the reality of the sacred it reveals itself to us we understand god after we discover it it existed for us 5 What is a rational explanation for the belief in the world of the Sacred What three ways does belief in the sacred allow for evolutionary success Rational Explanation For The Existence of Religion It is an evolutionarily successful trait 1 creates commitment to group 2 resolves disputes 3 creates fear of divine punishment 6 Explain the sacred profane dichotomy 1 the world of profane is the reality of the everyday world of the everyday we have to in our own way go through all the life processes take in energy sleep eat health everyday things 2 the world of sacred is the reality beyond this world world that is different three things that happen in sacred world 7 According to Durkheim what three things happen in the world of the sacred ordinary objects become symbols have sacred symbols made from ordinary objects when people believe in this ordinary objects become symbols ordinary acts become rituals drinking wine becomes a sacred ritual connects you when we experience the world of sacred we experience a different reality we experience it emotionally we transcendent it emotionally when people transcendent they become a part of something larger not physically but emotionally 8 What are the three essential elements which define the world of the sacred 1 Supernatural Reality beyond natural reality experience it differently 2 Has Power power to help us do what we are suppose to do power to hurt us karma power that makes a difference in our lives 3 We Can Access That Power things we can do rituals ceremonies that can convince the power to help or harm 9 Explain the difference between the rational and non rational understanding of reality Rational Beliefs requires verifiable evidence and consistent results basis of science and mathematics show your evidence Non Rational Beliefs requires only belief not rational proof basis of religion God does not require rational proof for people to believe 10 What are the two main questions of the anthropological analysis of religion 1 how are beliefs a part of people everyday life 2 how to people use their beliefs to adapt to the world and then change it 11 Be able to explain the three stages of the Hopi Snake Ceremony Include the purpose of the ceremony and what the Hopi believe in the ceremony does not accomplish its purpose 1 Preparations prepare and purify themselves to engage meet in sacred fast pray they use sweat lodges to cleanse themselves by sweating ex muslims do wudu and purify before praying to Allah 2 Collection when HOPI go out to the dessert collect poisonous living snakes 3 Prayer different ceremonies contact god 1st ceremony open to everyone 2nd ceremony closed sacred 3rd ceremony open to priest at the end of ceremony they let the snakes go because they become messengers take messages to world of sacred Rain will allow HOPI to survive and worship affect the everyday world what happens when it doesn t rain the HOPI think they did something wrong 12 In terms of the interaction between the sacred and profane what is the one similarity between traditional and contemporary cultures Both contemporary and traditional cultures need to balance the realities of the sacred and the profane 13 In terms of interaction between the Sacred and Profane what is the main difference between traditional and contemporary cultures Contemporary cultures divide the worlds of the sacred and profane Emphasize rational economic belief Traditional cultures blend the worlds of the sacred and profane Emphasize nonrational economic culture 14 Be able to explain the connection between economic behavior and holidays in contemporary culture American Holidays sacred proper way to celebrate represents an economic component PROFANE instead of celebrating for the reason they use it as a day of shopping or day off 15 What is the difference between healing and medicine healing when someone is sick to cure you have to take care of physical body but you have to restore the balance by healing the soul 16 What is the placebo effect PLACEBO you think you are being treated so you feel better 17 What are the four main contributions created by the interaction between the worlds of the sacred and profane 1 Meaning meaning of our life what makes our life important 2 Explanation of reality where does life come from where do we come from 3 Control over that which we have no control nature tornados hurricanes have no control over these 4 Unity for those who believe in the same kind of od in the same sacred give them some type of unity Religious Perspectives in Anthropology 1 What is Weltanschaung The corpus of beliefs about the life and environment in which members of society find themselves 2 Why does Lee say that material culture is never purely material Because we would often be at least as justified to call the operation involved religious 3 Where are the Baiga people from India 4 What is the difference between animism and mysticism 5 Explain how the Maya connect the super natural to growing corn They mix ground mirage stone with seed 6 Where are the Wintu people from California 7 Explain how Navajo sand paintings are connected to the world of the sacred The making of the painting is accompanied with a series of sacred songs 8 Explain how the Hopi Salt Journey is connected to the super natural 9 For an Australian Aboriginal why is being placed in jail such a terrifying punishment Because the spirit of man resides in the land being cut off from the land means cutting off their source of life More Doctors Mixing Medicine Spiritually 1 What would be a rational explanation of the benefits of faith If you believe you will get better you can and you will Voodoo Logic 1 What was dug up during the excavation

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UConn ANTH 1000 - anthro 3

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