UConn ANTH 1000 - ANTH 1000 Exam 2

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REVIEWSHEET 6 CONCEPTS 1 Why is the study of religion so important to Anthropology Religion is what people value Religion is the important subculture People base their cultures on religion 2 What do anthropologists refer to religion as Worldview The reason why religion can be argued Our understand of the different religions 3 What were two ethnocentric attitudes anthropologist had towards religion in the late 19th and 20th centuries 1 The religion of primitive is only superstition us vs other 2 Only science can explain natural reality Many people would use religion to explain the weather but the only way to do so is to use science 4 What are two ways to understand the world of the scared We create the reality of the sacred We discover the reality of the scared reveals itself to us 5 What is a rational explanation for the belief in the world of Sacred What three ways does belief in the sacred allow for evolutionary success They the people share values This means that they share something in common so it makes them work better with each other It is a successful evolutionary trait 1 Creates commitment to groups 2 Resolves disputes god helps with this 3 Creates fear for divine punishment people don t want to commit crimes because they fear the punishment for their crimes 6 Explain the sacred profane dichotomy People like to live in tow realities 1 In one reality is their everyday reality profane ex Eat sleep sex pain hunger 2 The world of the sacred is the reality beyond the world we create this second reality 7 According to Durkheim what 3 happens in the world of the Sacred 1 Ordinary objects symbols they represent something that is totally different people in the sacred worship these ordinary objects 2 Ordinary acts Rituals Connects a person to the sacred world Ex drinking a certain type of wine to become closer to the sacred Emotional Transcendence We emotionally touch the world of the sacred the whole point is to feel the emotional reality of the different world You cant go to the church service and be on your phone your not emotionally involved with the different world 8 Three Elements which define the sacred world Supernatural reality goes beyond natural reality Has power Power to help to hurt those who were bad power to punish those ho were bad 9 Explain the differences between the rational and non rational understanding of reality Rational Belief is based on scientific evidence We were brought up to believe this Consists of results Based on science and math Non rational is based on belief God does not require a reason for existing he simply just does 10 What are the two main questions of the anthropological analysis of religion 1 How are beliefs embedded in everyday life 2 How do people use their beliefs to adapt and change the world 11 Explain the 3 stages of the HOPI SNAKE ceremony Include the purpose of the ceremony and the HOPI believe if the ceremony does not accomplish its purpose Hopi Snake ceremony is etic 1 Preparation when leaders prepare them selves to meet the sacred You have to purify yourself and get rid of the sins of the natural world Prepared by fasting praying cleansing body through sweating 2 Collection they go out into the wild and collect deadly snakes 3 Stages of prayer where they talk to god They let go of the snakes after the ceremony The snakes are the messengers they give the message to the gods that are god In return god rewards them by giving them good fortune such as rain 12 In terms of interaction between the scared and profane what is the one similarity between traditional and contemporary cultures Must balance the realities of the sacred and profane 13 In terms of the interaction between the sacred and profane what is the main difference between traditional and contemporary culture Contemporary Cultures divide the worlds of the sacred and profane emphasis on rational economic The kinds of things that affect our lives and the things we do Affect our economic life Traditional Cultures blend the worlds of the sacred and profane Emphasis on nonRational Cultural 14 Be able to explain the connection between economic behavior and holidays in contemporary cultures They holiday does not mean that it s a holi day rather a day off from work Because the average man used to work 7 days a week and only would have a day off on the holi days People started to shop more then celebrate the holiday 15 What is the difference between healing and medicine Healing in traditional cultures when someone is sick to cure not only take care of the physical body the imbalance of the spiritual world and the person Medicine They view the body as a machine that is not working properly and needs to be fixed 16 What are the four main contributions created by the interactions between the world of the sacred and profane 1 Meaning what makes our life important and why should we think our life is important This is what is important when a tragic thing happens 2 Explanation of reality for those who believe in the sacred they say you don t need science its all god 3 Control over that which we have no control Seek control over tragedies such as hurricanes and tornados cancer and so we pray to god 4 Unity for those who believe in the same reality and the same god and provides those people unity TERMS Anthropomorphism Giving human characteristics to things that are not human Way we imagine god the thoughts the physical characteristics Animism the sacred and the power of the sacred lies in nature pagen when someone dies they stay with us Ghost spirits They have power on this world Mana Objects that have power of the sacred but no intention they have power ARTICLE Voodoo Logic 1 What was dug up during the excavation ceremony in New York in april of 2007 They dug up a David Ortiz baseball jersey at he New York Yankee baseball stadium 2 Normally why do people bury items at building site People normally bury things at building sites to try and keep away from curses 3 The burial of objects and names can be traced back to where The burial of objects and particularly names can be traced back as far as ancient Egyptians and the residents of what is now Iran 4 According to authorities what should have been buried at this site A Yankees jersey in the red sox field ARTICLE More Doctors Mixing Medicine Spiritually 1 What would be a rational explanation of the benefits of the faith Patients who use faith prayer of god tend to do better at recovering The rational explanation for faith is that it

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UConn ANTH 1000 - ANTH 1000 Exam 2

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