UConn ANTH 1000 - ANTH 1000 EXAM 1

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REVIEW SHEET 1 CONCEPTS What are the 3 fundamental Question Asked by Anthropology What are our origins How do we explain human behavior How will the decisions we make today change What are the 3 reasons why the study of culture is both fascinating and frustrating Always changing It is complex Invisible Explain what we mean when we say that cultures can be invisible We don t think about the cultures because we are so used to it that we don t realize that they are there Explain what we mean when we say that all cultures are dynamic They change at different rates of speed Not changing is not possible We find this difficult to see because if a culture moves faster than another the other may seem to be not changing how ever that is not the case What is the great paradox of culture Culture limits our choices while at the same time allows us to become fully human The greatest harm to a human one can do is put the human in isolation disconnect from society or any from of interactions Explain what culture is and the four Contributions which all cultures makes to those who live in it Culture beliefs and behaviors that humans use to adapt to and change their environment Identity a frame work is provided by the culture they have rules as to how to carry out the identity Age relationship role gender In contemporary society your are given options about how to carry out the Identity where the more traditional societies are more stringent Explanation of Reality Religious Authority Why I believe what I believe Religion explains reality for the more traditional values In more contemporary society culture they say science is what makes for reality Goals to Pursue Goals that need to be set and achieved to be productive and successful in the society Often told that this is what you want then this is what you should do Meaning to Life Why is life so important Our culture often provides answers for the question and which are almost answerable What is the main purpose of enculturation What are the 3 ways that we are enculturated Enculturation Culture transmission for appropriate beliefs Appropriate beliefs customs ect to transmit the culture taught to us to be good in the culture 3 ways of Enculturation Ethics Rules Followed to move smoothly in life Cooperation Laws Customs Customs no legal system if no laws are set down then those in that society are considered to not be fully human and more animal like Laws are applied equally reinforce enculturation process people understand the seriousness of them Symbolic Language In directly tells you how to behave in society and tell you your place in society You are taught What are sanctions Give examples of external and internal sactions Sanctions Punishment for violation of inappropriate behaviors beliefs External Sanction Taking away the freedom jail take away life take away a part of your wealth Deprived of something fear to loose things so follow laws rules Internal Sanction Punishment comes from within guilt embarrassment shame feeling bad people may fear loosing a relationship display of inappropriate symbols or respect for any of the enculturation process For Anthropologist what is truth Explain why anthropologist say that truth is cultural and historical not universal and eternal The truth values Cultural and historical for truth values change over time and between cultures Truth is not the way but more why you do those things What are the three main forms of Symbolic Communication Language we speak symbolically Me and you know what the words in English mean though an outsider may not Gestures the way we sit point how we smile our body movement to convey information Objects convey your identity to make others think you belong Clothes you wear Type of car you drive etc What is one important way we use our body to communicate information Smiling Name three kinds of symbols a university might use to create identity Mascot Logo Colors Iconic Buildings Give an example of Implicit and Explicit Symbols Explicit one symbol one meaning No controversy Traffic lights colors mean something specific Implicit can have more than one meaning to one symbol Part of culture have more than one meaning Swastika Signifies goodwill good luck forward positive motion Used in many religions Used in religious pieces Used in a boys scout pins Used in us Army Used by Nazi Now the symbol is recognized as hate violence and the doing of the Nazi Stars and Bars Used by confederates After the war the flag represents an implicit Symbol Represents southern culture Particular value lifestyle Represents Rebellion for the outside culture motor cycle gangs wear it to signify rebellion and freedom Terrorist Culture Create fear racism What are two ways that the Swastika might be interpreted Peace and goodwill good luck positive emotion Death and violence hate because of the nazi flag What are three ways that the symbol of the confederate flag might be interpreted Southern Culture Outlaw Culture Terrorist Culture TERMS Paleoanthropology Fossil remains Looks towards the study of origin the past as far as we can go Archeology The study of material culture the objects we make their value to us Humanity of culture but we study what they leave behind Cultural Anthropology Study of the living humans EX studying tribes what they do how they act and what will happen to them in the future This same method can be studied for contemporary culture TEXTBOOK Chapter 2 What are Sub Cultures Name three kinds Subcultures are cultural variations that exist within a single nation Three kinds of subcultures are America Canada British Colombia There are different cultures within the cultures An Example would be America and the 50 state is a different subculture within the same culture which is the whole country What is cultural determinism Cultural Determinism the beliefs and behaviors or individuals are largely programmed by their society culture Their culture influences them to act dress talk etc in a certain way What is biological determinism Biological Determinism is the theory about what makes human groups different from another in their beliefs and actions What are cultural universals Name three of them Cultural Universals are elements that exist in all known human culture groups Three cultural universal are people in all Art Language Beliefs HIGH POPULATION DENSITY How does high population density lead to modern human behavior Increasing population density rather than boost in human brain power has

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UConn ANTH 1000 - ANTH 1000 EXAM 1

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