UConn ANTH 1000 - Review Sheet 10 ANTH 1000

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Review Sheet 10 1 List the four reasons why anthropologist study the practice of Witchcraft Oldest Religion Universal found everywhere People still practice it today Tells us about the society around us 2 What are the three basic elements of witchcraft No gods necessary Nature based animism Not connected to Satan 3 What social social role did witches play in early societies Witches were seen as midwives healers and they saw the power in nature 4 Be able to discuss the 4 changes in European society which transformed witches from healers to Satan s worshippers Religious Conflict Reformation Religion is how people look at reality Most important is how you die There are Christians who believe the church and Christianity has gotten away from what it originally was supposed to be The Christians say that if you don t believe in god you believe in Satan If you reject god you follow Satan Hierarchy knowing of god but ignoring god Patriarchal Christianity dominated by men closer to god Women are more closely connected nature Women are inferior and they as seen as the suspects Medicine become institutional The new educated are saying that they have been educated so the witches are wrong and the men are more closely connected to god And because you are women and you are not educated one should not be coming to the women Women become scapegoats the women are the people who are helping Satan and therefor are attacked The burning times a lot of children women and men who are accused of following Satan are all murdered no witches are burned in Holland and Scotland 5 List the two reasons why the Witch Hysteria ends in the 18 th century Science Reason Witch hunts creating too much social disruption 6 List the 5 reasons why the necessary for witch hunt Social Unrest people feeling that there is something wrong with society Obsession with a particular threat Concern out of proportion with reality Accusation equal to convictions Scape Goat 7 List the three reasons why there was a revival of the practice of Wicca in the 20 th century in the west Rejection of conventional religion Women s Movement Concern for environment ARTICLE THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS For what three reasons was the Salem witch hunt so remarkable Large number of people found guilty The late date at which it took place No one had been executed in England for witch craft Salem affair had generally been seen as a fascination microcosm of the whole western witchcraft delusion Anne Cole was from which colonial town Hartford CT Which Boston minister is central to the witch hysteria of this time and place Cotton Mather Discuss the problems Which would be blamed on the Devil which led to the political uncertainity in 1692 in New England What is a theocracy Is a system of government in which priest rule in the name of god Massachusetts was a theocracy witchcraft against god was therefore a treason against the state Who was Increase Mather The president of Harvard was one New Englander to advise Caution How many witches were burned in New England in 1692 31

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UConn ANTH 1000 - Review Sheet 10 ANTH 1000

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