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REVIEWSHEET 9 1 What are the two links between the Dead Other and Anthropology 19th century anthropology is part of the creation of the dead other 20th century anthropology try to end the treatment of the dead other 2 Describe the two reasons why it has been difficult to achieve full compliance for the 1990 Native American Graves and Repatriation Act Because the act of congress only covered public institutions it could not affect private collectors Because the artifacts were not recorded and documented properly and it takes time money and power to determine the artifacts and to return them 3 Connect the controversy surrounding Skull and Bones to the dead other Skull and bones private club at yale in order to be part of this club you have to be a student at yale but yale has no say in this club Bush brings the bones of apache leader Geranomo back to skull bones and uses it to do ceremonies 4 What is he connection between rites of Passage the Dead Other and the treatment of the Victims of the World Trade Center of 2001 42 of the people that died during the attack would not be found because the bodies were in pieces that cant be identified and incinerated All the scraps and debri is thrown out at Freshkills Landfull and after every piece of the scrap was checked and observed to be able to find any piece of identification of those who died Every body was treated with respect Taboos Objects not to be touched Words not to be spoken profanity that you should not be said Acts not to be done 5 What are the four forms of Anthropophagy Be able to explain each and give an example Psychopathic person is considered to have a mental illness that drives them to do such a thing Jeffrey Dammar Survival only way that someone can survive is to consume another person Donner Party 1846 Ritualistic when people eat people at funeral ceremonies or ceremonies that are connected to the dead they connect small bits of the dead as a way to connect to the dead Dietary consumed as a dietary choice If a human eats a human they are not real humans Dietary Cannibalism never existed Anthropophagy Cannibalism The consumption of human by humans 6 What is one reason for the social construction of the Cannibal other The other is so strange so different from us that it is possible they are cannibals 7 When we consider the Sacred Profane Dichotomy why is the issue of cryogenics interesting If you can before the decay process goes far you can stop the decay of the human Frozen If you are frozen you never officially die does that remove the sacredness and does that change the way you perceive death ARTICLE THE PAINFUL RETURN OF THE DEAD Relate the story of the Jaara Baby A baby s body was taken out of her final resting place and placed in a museum for years She was then finally returned to her resting place All of her belongings were returned to her as well After she was removed from her original burial site where was she kept for nearly 100 years She was sent to museum Victoria in Melbourne After she was returned to her people where was she placed She was returned to the Dja Dja Wurrung people north of Melbourne ARTICLE HUMAN SACRIFICE AND CANNIBALISM Which people from Mesoamerica are featured in this article The Aztecs Why did they believe human sacrifice was necessary Necessary for preserving the continuity of the Universe Which was one reason why the Spanish were interested in declaring these people as cannibals Spanish were Catholics so they felt it was the work of the devils What was Michael Harner s explanation for the belief that these people were cannibals He argues that the absence of domesticated animals and large number of people in late pre Hispanic central Mexico necessitated enormous Aztec sacrifice to alleviate a dietary shortage of meat protein and fat through cannibalism According to their ideology what were these people chosen to do People were chosen to nourish the deities through human sacrifice as a hedge against uncertainty and maintain order in the universe

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