UConn ANTH 1000 - Review Sheet 7 ANTH1000

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REVIEWSHEET 8 CONCEPTS 1 What is the main purpose of all ceremonies Purpose of all ceremonies is to reinforce the bond between the sacred and profane 2 What 3 important social functions to ceremonies performed Mark the passage of time seasons years days month reflect on our lives Mark important events thanksgiving arrival of western culture to the east Restore normalcy in time of crisis bring us back to normalcy after something bad 3 What are the 4 elements by which ceremonies are bound Time ceremonies have to be done at the right time of the year Action appropriate action at the right time is expected and rewarded trick or treat Symbol caps and gowns for graduation Myth the guidelines for the ceremonies 4 What are the ritual time ceremonies Ritual time ceremonies are ceremonies where the rules of society can be broken without punishment even expected Drinking of alcohol dressing a certain way relationships to certain people 5 What are the 3 stages of ritual time ceremony Give an example of this kind of ceremony What is the reason we find these kinds of ceremonies throughout the world Three stages of ritual time ceremony Indulgence break the rules and break the rules of what would usually get you punished make noice and party on new years Sacrifice give something up to back you a better person renew yourself and society make a promise resolutions to be a better person on new years day Renew sacrificing will renew yourself by the sacrifice you will be a better person If you don t give people to blow off the stream in their lives to distress to have controlled ceremonies you give time for these people We find them in the world to release pressure 6 What is the purpose of Rite of purpose How does this ceremony accomplish this purpose Give an example of a rite of passage and discuss its three stages Rites of passage The making of individuals moving from one social role to the another Purpose To reproduce the culture Girls and boys become women and men and they can now marry and reproduce 3 stages of a rite of passage Separation removed from their old life and taken away and placed in a sacred place Transition taught knowledge in state of transition will have liminal status not what they once were and not what they will become they are in between no role get a sense of communities a strong bond with each other re aggregation brought back into the community as a new person a women and men 7 What are the three main reasons anthropologist study funeral rituals Universal apart from the atheist believers we find them through out the world Tell us about the living values of the living looking at them and what they believe of the dead we understand what is important to them in the living Death becomes bases for the belief in the reality of the sacred we are all going to face it at point of another it is a reality we are mortal 8 Discuss the difference between Kikuyu and Massai funeral practices Kikuyu historically they have always been farmers so what they value most is the land and brings them close to god When they are alive the most important is land and in death is also land Kikuyu are buried at home Massai live on massai mara southern land undeveloped Famous for hunting lions for economic interests Main economic activity is raising cattle Measure wealth by amount of cattle To feed cattle they must move constantly Move from one pasture to the next So they value the most is their freedom allowing them to move around to feed cattle So when massia dies take them out to the Mara and leave them there in the open The body is just shell so body has to be taken apart by nature 9 Describe Tolai burial practices and the reasons behind them The island is very hot humid and big insects and lots of mountains When they die Dig a shallow grave and left their so the heat and insects begin to work on the body once the body starts to decay they remove the rest of the skin burn the organs and burn the rest of the bones and keep the skull and place in homes 10 Be able to explain the connection between the world of the living and the worlds of the dead throughout the ceremonies of Samhain and The day of the dead Day of the Dead National holiday believe the dead come back not literally They take this time to celebrate them and remember them and memory of the loved ones Blend of Christianity and old Mexican beliefs Samhain new years for the celts irish cultue and they belive the dead come back at night to be with them They have a bon fire at night and they wait for them So irish bring this culture to USA and we turn it into Halloween So we give out gifts as a way of being good to the dead If we were bad they might play a trick on us 11 Describe four ways that the treatment of the dead has changed recently in the US Roadside Memorials A memorial on the side of the road to show respect A lot of the population has shifted Disinterment For economic reason digging up the dead Americans move a lot and as we move we do not want to leave our loved one behind Cemetery Memorial similar to the day of the dead people will decorate the grave on the birthday on X mas Burial Artifacts Burying the dead with sentimental artifacts Syncretic Religons Blend of two or more religions 12 What is one possible etic explanation for increased interest in ghosts spritis an the undead in contemporary Western Culture People have lost respect in religion in the government People are looking for other explanations Ghosts exist 13 What are the two reasons why the belief in Vampirism declined in western culture prior to the late 19th century Vampirism the dead have been mistreated and they are coming back to take their revenge Because of the Christian influence they say you are either dead or not no inbetween Science also says the same Bram Stoker wrote Dracula Vlad Tepes Dracula Prince Christian of Wallachia and Transylvania Warrior during when the Ottoman empire is working to conquer the world and spread islam Very good at tactics and terrorize the Ottomans and the people at home Through impalement Take the prisoners who are captured during battle Put a wooden stake through men so in a way they don t die but they die slowly and allow them to die slowly ARTICLE As Roadside Memorials Multiply A Second Look Give four reasons why some people and State governments oppose these memorials Memorials can be distracting on the highways They can get in the way of road crews cutting grass or cleaning snow They raise church concerns They raise

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UConn ANTH 1000 - Review Sheet 7 ANTH1000

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