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REVIEWSHEET 5 CONCEPTS What did Galton Believe that eugenics should be used for You can create a better living organism through genetic manipulation Through breeding sexual manipulation we can create better species Francis Galton Father of Eugenics We have crime and problems because we have genetically inferior people Create scientifically made genetically better society to create a better world How many states in the US have Anti miscegenation Laws 41 of the states in the United States enacted the laws Miscegenation mixing of the races When were anti miscegenation laws declared unconstitutional 1967 Which state was the last to remove Anti miscegenation laws from the legal code When Alabama year 2000 Be able to explain the reasons and process for the 1936 survey of human resources of Connecticut Gov Wilbur Cross 1936 Survey of Human Resources Of Connecticut Wanted to know population of genetic inferior More inferior more social population Recommendations those who are genetically inferior are to be detained told to leave from the state and not come back All property is to be taken and used to be paying for the Money those inferiors cost us Which Political ideology used eugenics as a foundation for its political Beliefs Nazi s used concentrations camps to kill the inferiors They also used the lesborn camps to produce superior children What did the Authors of Bell Curve believe about intelligence Charles Murray Richard Hernsten There is a height in avg There are few very intelligent and few very non intelligent people From the avg to both sides of the spectrum both sides start to get smaller What are the 3 policy recommendations of the Bell Curve IQ testing early on and placement Every child should be checked before attending school the type of education you receive will depend on your IQ Change Educational System Based on a lie working hard and studying does not help If you have to take out loans you are not rich you re not rich because parents don t make enough money and that is because they are not smart Encourage intelligent to have more children and encourage less intelligent to have few children List 3 examples of positive Eugenics and three kinds of negative eugenics Neg Eugenics Ex Anti Miscegenation Laws Survey of human resources of Connecticut Nazi Death camps Recommendation in the Bell Curve Pos Eugenics Ex Lebsenborn Camps Nazi camps to produce superior children to run the future Repository for Germinal Choice Genius Sperm Bank Recommendations of Bell Curve What the two fundamental kinds of genetic research Therapeutic Genetic Manipulation What causes How to treat this or how to wipeout the diseases completely Reproductive Genetic Manipulation Cloning Making exact replica of the superior How might Cultural Anthropology define Intelligence Things you learn and how you apply that to the world Nature is the IQ and nurture is the application Explain the relationship between eugenics and the nature vs Nurture Debate If nature is right we can use genetic manipulation but if nurture is right then the genetic manipulation is wrong Nurture means how we create the society and how we treat the them ARTICLE The New Illicit Drugs What is the drug Adderall prescribed for Prescribed for attention deficit disorder to help them study and stay focused What did the authors in the December issue of Nature believe about cognitive enhancing drugs They believed that making such medication available to people who merely want to sharpen their brain or improve their performance What might be an argument against healthy people taking performance enhancing drugs There is so much competition in the University s so the students feel like they need to use the drugs to keep them focused to do well in school That them being more focused can help them be better then the other students who are competing against them Which Connecticut University was featured in this article University of Connecticut ARTICLE Just Leave Them Behind What part of Murray s argument has educators up in the arms That it s almost impossible to raise academic ability to turn the below average into even the slightly less below average According to Murray what percentage of current college students belong in college 20 What is the scariest part of Murray s vision The scariest part of Mr Murry s vision is that only really 20 deserve to be in the college and the other 80 don t so he doesn t know what is going to happen to the future because we don t know if this is based on the superiority of the inferiors

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