UConn ANTH 1000 - Review sheet 4 ANTH 1000

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REVIEW SHEET 4 CONCEPTS What are the three reasons why Darwinian Evolution is important for Cultural Anthropology 1 Based on Science 2 Refutes Social Darwinism 3 A Good example of Truth being Culturally Relative What new discovery in Geology in the 19th Century helped to support Evolution The map of earth and how it looks including the theory of how old earth is Is it 6000 years or 3 4 billion years What is the foundational premise of Darwinian Biology All life changes Evolution What are the two processes through which this takes place Mutation Selection Adaptation Discuss two non animal examples of evolution and their importance to human culture Virus they adapt to where they live Insects they adapt to environment and mutate Explain the impact that Geological and Climatic conditions in Africa millions of years ago had on human evolution Rift Valley created by volcanic eruption in East Africa which disrupted the rains from going to the rain forest That made us move to savannahs of East Africa and that s where we were born What three major adaptation changed human evolution as hominids moved from a forest to a savannah environment Size and figure of hand The thumb makes us different as we can use it towards making tools and weapons Bipedal we can walk on our legs and that makes us better than Gorilla who have to rely mostly on their hands to travel Changes to our brain Have the largest brain than any other animals What are the eight characteristics that make Homo erectus our closest ancient relative NOT NEEDED FOR FIRST EXAM Where is the cradle of humanity East Africa the origins What is the Out of Africa Theory Spread out into the world started from East Africa Prior to Darwin most Americans believed what about life Planet is 6000 years old Life doesn t change Prior to Darwin most Americans believed what about life Planet is 6000 years old Life doesn t change Explain how the social evolution in early 20th century America led to the monkey trial US early 20th Becoming Centuary Rural Urban Agriculture Industrial Traditional Values Multicultural Dayton Tennessee It is illegal to teach evolution in Tennessee Butler Act prohibited teaching of evolution Tennessee vs John Scopes The monkey Trial Trial is all about values not about facts Lawyers as follows William Jennings Bryan from Kansas hired by state of Tennessee traditional Clarence Barrow from New York and lawyer of Scopes urbanized What were the cultural values debated during the Monkey Trial Loss of morality Corruption of youth Loss of values Thinking Anthropologically why would we say that the debate over human origins is one about values instead of TRUTH Truth is values Cultural and historical not universal and eternal Conflict of values are involved Explain the fundamental disagreement between those who believe in Creationism and those who believe in intelligent Design Creationism The bible is the literal word of god We don t need science god created us If science agreed ok but if it does not then its wrong Intelligent Design Reject Evolution but we need some form of explanation Life on earth is too complex to have just happened There must have been an intelligent designer god They try to mesh scientific explanation with religion The idea was crushed for it is just Bad science Christian fundamentalist said that god doesn t need science the bible says it so it is What 5 conditions might contribute to the continuation of human evolution Adaption to change environment Mixing ethnic groups New diets drugs bio engineering food to make it more adaptable New Diseases TEXTBOOK Pages 7 9 Six Million Years of Humanity In descent of man what did Darwin realize Darwin realized that humans and African apes are closely biologically related They share similar evolutionary ancestors Be able to discuss on of the four popular misconceptions about human evolution Our ancestors are were not chimpanzees or gorillas We share common ancestors but we did not evolve from them They are our evolutionary cousins There is no missing link There is no combining of ape and human features Differences between human and apes is bipedal locomotion We differ from them from our brain sizes but that s not the main difference that makes us different The human tree is a bush its not the only from one ancestral species Why is understanding our evolutionary history relevant for understanding modern humans Revolutionary history is important to understand for modern humans because its what made us the humans we are ARTICLE AAA Statement on Race What has maintained all of Humankind as a single species Evidence from the analysis of genetics indicate that most physical variations about 94 lies within so call racial groups Different racial groups only differ about 6 Not that big of a difference but yet we look different The continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained all of humankind as a single species Which idea of race as understood in colonial America included which three groups The idea of race as it is understood in the USA was a social mechanism inverted durig the 18th century The three groups are English other European settlers People of African decent that were brought for social labor What was the Great Chain of Being Great chain of being natural categories on a hierarchy established by god or nature Status Differences this puts different races people in different categories of the human species Ideology To what logical end did the Nazis use the ideology of race The Nazis wiped out the Jews The extermination of millions of people of the inferior race such as Jews Africans homosexuals and gypsies Anthropologists argue that present day inequalities between so call racial groups are products of what Anthropologist argues that present day inequalities between so called racial groups are not consequences of their biological inheritance but products of historical and contemporary social economic educational and political circumstances TEXTBOOK Pages 36 37 Cultural Construction of Race What do most people assume about race Most people assume that race is active natural category into which most individuals are certain physical categories can be placed Things such as skin and other physical features What does the Anthropologist say about race Anthropologist says that race is a cultural classification of people based on perceptions and distinctions that arise more cultures than biology We differ more in culture than in our biology Be able to explain at least one

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UConn ANTH 1000 - Review sheet 4 ANTH 1000

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