UConn ANTH 1000 - REVIEW SHEET 3 ANTH 1000

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REVIEW SHEET 3 CONCEPTS What are the two important reasons why understanding Social Darwinism is important for Cultural Anthropology 1 Foundations of early Anthropology 2 The ideas of Social Darwinism are still believed despite the scientific credibility What is the connection between anthropology and the other Sociology starts studying human anthropolgy starts to study others who are not human different races and all Create the us other Dichotomy Chart and explain why it is an example of Boundary Maintenance Boundary Maintenance Recognition of difference US Others Dichotomy Us Other Rational Religion Science History Civilized Irrational Superstition Magic Legends Savage To be truly human is to understand reality The way you understand is more rational The less you do the same less you are human I know god I know religion the less you believe like me less you know god More you understand nature with science you are more human We understand past because we write it down They don t write it down and record it so their ideas can change and be false What two developments in the west help to contrast the other in the 19 th century Colonialism What you have is now mine If I have the power I will take you over To be powerful control resources control people Because I am dominant I need to have power over the people White Man s Burden God has given us the burden to civilize the world Manifest destiny our destiny to dominate the world has given us the destiny to civilize the world Science 19th century Age of Science Charles Darwin Naturalist Evolution Life is constantly changing Origin of species the book challenges religion Species evolve Social Darwinism They had a theory for superiority and inferiority They said there is reasoning to slavery Darwin Thought differently he didn t agree with this Race of the 19th century races are different species of beings Race specie You cannot mix species you should not mix races Unilevel Evolution One Direction least human to most human races oldest races were least human and newest are the most human What is the Colonized other Tame make sure they respect you Train turn them into farmers miners worker etc If none of that works eliminate kill them In the 19th Centaury what was the most important science for explaining the natural world Biology What is the fossil other The older the race the less human they are They may have living members but you can not make them more human because they are not able to change its just part of their make up What are the 5 elements Social Darwinist use to construct their idea of race Race means different specie Not all races are equally human Created at different times Create a society that reflects us so colonist segregation Don t mix the races All is proven by science scientific racism What are some of the polices that are Justified by this Social Darwinian idea of race Justifies social economic political policies such as slavery colonialism and segregation Biologically speaking how many human races are there Technically there is no credibility for race there is no race but we are one specie we have the same basic genetic make up What are the three reasons which led to the rise of anthropology at the end of the 19th century Desire to go back in time to see where our problems began and he belief that because we haven t change we should just go look at the cultures that are present right now and similar Colonial Administrators wanted to learn the culture Museums are being built and the anthropologists have to bring information about the culture Clothes culture models What are the three contributions made by Franz Boas which made him the Father of American Anthropology Creates first graduate program at Colombia University Emphasizes Fieldwork Anti Social Fieldwork What is the relationship between Social Darwinism and The colonized other and the White man s Burden Social Darwinist had a theory for superior and inferiors they believed the superiors must rule the inferiors They reasoned for slavery based on this theory Colonized other Based from social Darwinism When one is looking to colonize in an area that has people there already EX Colonist pushing the native Americans out of their territory the superior colonist must control and rule the inferior Native Americans TAME make sure the inferior respect you TRAIN turn them into the workers laborers farmers miners if none of that works then ELIMINATE kill them This was the White Mans Burndan god has given the white man the burden of having to civilize the world Manifest Destiny our destiny to dominate the world god has given us the destiny to civilize the world Be able to discuss the two critical phases of American Anthropology 1ST critical phase of American Anthropology late 19th centaury the move away from Social Darwinism its effects on the Anthropology and the way we practiced Anthropology 2ND critical phase of American Anthropology the 1970 s solving the 4 critical issues the issues were ethnographic present power informants the savages learn to read ARTICLE The Measures of America Where was the World s Columbian Exposition of 1893 held What was it meant to commemorate The world s Columbian exposition of 1893 was held in Chicago To commemorate meant to celebrate something In the article the commented by having a six month celebration put on display all that the nation had achieved What was the position of the anthropologist Samuel Morton on race Samuel Morton believed that different race were different species What did the anthropologist Josiah Nott believe about slavery He believed that slavery saved negroes from variety to their barbaric state What did the Plessey vs Ferguson Decision establish The 1896 Supreme Court decision Plessey vs Ferguson established the legal grounds for separate but equal facilities for whites and blacks The ruling was overturned in 1954 by Brown vs the Board of the Education For which famous museum did Franz boas work beginning in 1896 American Museum of Natural History ARTICLE Applied Anthropology and Tribal People According to Colonel A H Lane Fox Pitt Rivers what were the two aspects of the practical utility of knowledge Proposing the creation of a special commission including anthropologist to study native culture in areas From the 1870 s to the 1930 s what were the two themes frequently discussed at the meetings of anthropological associations How salvage the ethnographic How to increase practical value of anthropology for the

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UConn ANTH 1000 - REVIEW SHEET 3 ANTH 1000

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