UConn ANTH 1000 - REVIEW SHEET 2 ANTH 1000

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REVIEW SHEET 2 CONCEPTS What are the four themes of Cultural Analysis Adaptation and change Similarities and differences Specify and holism how many men women food you eat work you do and the activity of a group taking those details and connecting them to how each detail effects the other details Holism is putting all those details together Connecting the local with the regional and global In doing fieldwork the primary responsibility of the anthropologist is always to whom Why The responsibility of the fieldworker is always to the people they are studying We ask such personal questions and we ask to live with them so we should be responsible enough to respect their culture and needs Why is it important to understand culture shock Problem with fieldwork culture shock Feeling out of place because others know you do not fit it you are different We adapt to get over the culture shock We may not adapt and have an ethnocentric reaction Explain the 4 issues problems and how they were resolved addressed in the 1970 s with doing fieldwork and writing ethnographies which led to changes in cultural anthropology Informants understand culture of their own but understand outside world Can translate Most anthropologists were older men so in traditional cultures all informants were men Women in traditional cultures did not talk to the men Women were educated and women informants creating a full picture rewrite the information Ethnographic Present Past Between the times we wrote the books from the we do the fieldwork lots of time has passed People change over time so essentially we are reading the past Now we can go more often to recognize the change update material We can bring them here and unfreeze the one dimension view of them Power Could be arrogant racist people They saw inferiority in the people they were leaning about They had ethnocentric views and that is how they wrote their books They were the type of people we would call bad house guest impose ask and not respect Savages Learn to Read Education improves now those who we write about can critique our work Explain how the Nature vs Nurture debate and why it is important to cultural anthropology Nature Limited options if you want to learn stop anthropology learn the genetic draws evolutionary draw Every creature has a nature or draws Evolutionary Directives What to do if you want to survive If you have a society that does not follow the directive then they will not survive our biology affects our genetic drives find out the genetic drives having kids and ect So follow only that We have limited choices so they say homosexuality is against our nature so it should not happen Main job as a female should be to raise a child not worry about other stuff working and power Sociobiology evolutionary psychology to understand society you have to understand biology Explains why some will succeed or fail We can define who we are through the genetic makeup Nurture Many options Cultural Diversity we have the option to live in many different ways The more options we have the more chance of success Our culture allows us to be successful we are not limited by genetic draws Explain how the Women s movement of the late 1960 s early 1970 s became part of the Nature vs Nurture debate Questioning the authority Downfall in American society going against nature Women should be taking care of children Women s Liberation Why are children bad because women are not doing their duties going against nature But we know that it is a great change in our history Having women in college and workforce more input more ideas the better more diversity Nurture ARTICLE Cultural Differences Where are the Tswana from Botswana Africa The problem of Cultural Differences took place between which two groups American Peace Corps volunteers and the Tswana Explain what he problem was The Americans became increasingly hostile toward the Tswana who were their host Tswana believe that human life social life The Tswana would see someone sitting by them selves and go give them company The Americans argued that a certain amount of privacy is needed ARTICLE The Importance of Trobriand Women The Trobriand Islands are part of which Island Nation Which Anthropologist first worked with the Trobriand Islanders Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski What is matrilineal society Explain Malinowski s mistake concerning the role of men in Trobriand islander society Matrilineal Society is a society in which the decedents social classifications are traced back through the maternal ancestors ARTICLE Body Ritual of the Nacirema What is the focus of their economic system Focus on the human body the appearance health of which loom as a dominant concern in the ethos of the people What is the underlying belief of their whole system of belief The human body is ugly and its natural tendency is to debility and disease In which part of their dwelling do the Nacirema place their shrine The focal point of the shrine is a box or a chest which is built into the wall Most houses are of wattle and daub construction but the shirine rooms of the more wealth are walled with stone Poorer familes imitate the rich by applying pottery plaques to their shrine walls What is the latipso The temple that the medicine men have This is where the more elaborate ceremonies required to treat very sick patients can only be performed at this temple What is another term for the Nacirema America backwards

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UConn ANTH 1000 - REVIEW SHEET 2 ANTH 1000

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