UW-Madison COMARTS 250 - New Media and Remediation

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Lecture Notes October 29 2015 New Media and Remediation I II Principles of New Media a New Media Social Media mobile phone apps YouTube email b Different from old media speed methods of production accessibility mass communication very hard to define c Manovich 5 aspects of New Media i Numerical representation composed digitally created of numerical code binary different from analog ii Modularity collection of discrete units that can be defined without losing their independence Ex PowerPoints websites iii Automation created through automation subject to manipulation built into software instead of a human making every decision iv Variability Once an object has been made digital it can be displayed and manipulated in many different ways v Transcoding once something is stored in digital form it is shaped by the computer ex the rise of autotune Mediation i Immediacy something can be more immediate through new media because instead of painting we can just take a sharp photograph and it s more lifelike ii Hypermediacy desktops iii Remediation Representation of one medium in another medium perhaps the defining characteristic of new media Ex spider man comic to movie books to PDFs on Learn UW III New Media Literacies a Literacy learning how to read and write b Media literacy read produce understand media c New media literacy play experiment as a form of problem solving performance adopt alternative identities simulation construct dynamic models of real world processes appropriation meaningfully sample and remix media multitasking shift focus as needed distributed cognition use tools that expand mental capacities collective intelligence pool knowledge judgement evaluate credibility transmedia navigation follow info across media networking search for and circulate information negotiation multiple communities IV Wikipedia as new media a Numerical representation online b Self contained entries modularity c You can edit a page plug things in automation d Variability always being added to by different people e Transcoding changing how we think about encyclopedias V Hypertext text can be a link to other texts a Once you click a link your reading goes to a new body of text b Not just start to finish

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UW-Madison COMARTS 250 - New Media and Remediation

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