UW-Madison COMARTS 250 - Global Media guest lecture

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22 Global Media Guest Lecture by Camilo Diaz Pino Nov 24 Key Names and Concepts Cultural imperialism Dominance of US media in global markets US agendas ideologies ways of life overrun local voices issues Less avenues for interconnection between places that may be close have a lot in common US market strength resources central history large local audience Cheap pricing Block booking The State Dept and Quota busting Eating the competition Glocalization Multiple imperialists Koichi Iwabuchi Media Flow Media Capitals Cultural Discount Globalization is not new Indigenization Hybridity Stats Quotes Lists and Such 60 of the world s dedicated kids channels are owned by Disney Nickelodeon or WB An American sitcom will sell to the Czech Republic for 800 An American drama will sell to Mexico for 8000 A Danish producer can make 1 minute of an original production for the same price as buying an American hourlong show Concerns about Cultural Imperialism Decreased venues for local culture news stories Decreased venues for local artists Imported culture and values No choice Linguistic problems Uneven flows between the US and the local culture Cultural roads go via the US Three largest film production industries in order India Nigeria USA

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UW-Madison COMARTS 250 - Global Media guest lecture

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