UConn BIOL 1107 - 42_Lecture_Outline_Bio 1107_Spring 2015

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Key Concepts In biology structure has a profound influence on function Biologists analyze the structure and function of animals at a variety of levels molecules cells tissues organs and organ systems Body size has a strong influence on how animals work in large part because a body s volume increases faster than its surface area as body size increases 2011 Pearson Education Inc Key Concepts Animals use an array of methods to maintain a relatively constant environment inside their bodies They have systems that sense changes in internal conditions and trigger responses that return conditions to normal Some animals have sophisticated systems for generating and conserving heat and regulating body temperature 2011 Pearson Education Inc Introduction Anatomy is the study of an organism s physical structure Physiology is the study of how the physical structures in an organism function There is a great amount of diversity in anatomical and physiological traits observed in animals 2011 Pearson Education Inc Form Function and Adaptation Biologists who study animal anatomy and physiology are studying adaptations heritable traits that allow individuals to survive and reproduce in a certain environment better than individuals that lack those traits Adaptation results from evolution by natural selection 2011 Pearson Education Inc The Role of Fitness Trade Offs Adaptations are limited by many factors including genetics and morphology The most important constraint may be trade offs inescapable compromises between traits For example between quality and quantity of offspring Researchers investigated the predicted trade off between egg size and egg number clutch size by manipulating these parameters in side blotched lizards Their results showed that such a trade off does indeed exist Trade offs are pervasive in nature Biologists who study anatomy and physiology study compromise and constraint as well as adaptation 2011 Pearson Education Inc Adaptation and Acclimatization Recall that adaptation is a genetic change that occurs over generations in response to natural selection in a population Acclimatization or acclimation is a phenotypic change that occurs in an individual in response to a short term change in environmental conditions The ability to acclimatize is itself an adaptation 2011 Pearson Education Inc Tissues Organs and Systems If a structure found in an animal is adaptive meaning that it helps the individual survive and produce offspring it is common to observe that the structure s size shape or composition correlates closely with its function The mechanism responsible for correlations between structure and function is straightforward If a mutant allele alters a structure such that it functions more efficiently individuals with that allele will have greater fitness resulting in an increased frequency of the allele in the population over time 2011 Pearson Education Inc 2011 Pearson Education Inc Structure Function Correlation in Cells and Molecules Correlations between form and function start at the molecular level For example protein shape correlates with their role as enzymes structural components of the cell or transporters Similar correlations between structure and function occur at the level of the cell For example cells that secrete digestive enzymes contain a lot of rough ER and Golgi Likewise cell shape and function correlate For example absorptive cells have a large surface area 2011 Pearson Education Inc Tissues Animals are multicellular their bodies contain distinct types of cells that are specialized for different functions A tissue is a group of similar cells that function as a unit Embryonic tissue gives rise to four adult tissue types all of which have a structure that highly correlates with its function 1 Connective 2 Nervous 3 Muscle 4 Epithelial 2011 Pearson Education Inc Connective Tissue Connective tissue consists of cells loosely arranged in a liquid jellylike or solid extracellular matrix Each type of connective tissue secretes its own distinct type of matrix the nature of which determines the nature of the connective tissue There are four categories of connective tissue 1 Loose connective tissue 2 Dense connective tissue 3 Supporting connective tissue 4 Fluid connective tissue 2011 Pearson Education Inc Connective Tissue Loose connective tissue serves as a packing material between organs or padding under the skin Adipose tissue or fat tissue is an example of loose connective tissue and is made up of cells that are dominated by fat droplets and a loose matrix of fibers and fluid Dense connective tissue is found in the tendons and ligaments that connect muscles bones and organs and contains many tough collagen fibers 2011 Pearson Education Inc Connective Tissue Supporting connective tissue has a firm extracellular matrix Examples of supporting connective tissue include bone and cartilage which provide structural support for the body and protective enclosures for the brain and other components of the nervous system Fluid connective tissue consists of cells surrounded by a liquid extracellular matrix Blood a type of fluid connective tissue transports material throughout the body Its extracellular matrix is called plasma 2011 Pearson Education Inc 2011 Pearson Education Inc Nervous Tissue Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells or neurons and several types of supporting cells Although they vary widely in shape all neurons have projections that contact other cells Most neurons have two distinct types of projections from the cell body where the nucleus is located Short branching dendrites which transmit electrical signals from other cells to the cell body Long axons which carry electrical signals from the cell body to other cells 2011 Pearson Education Inc Epithelial Tissues The epithelial tissues epithelia are tissues that cover the outside of the body line the surfaces of organs and form glands An organ is a structure that serves a specialized function and consists of several tissues A gland is a group of cells that secrete specific molecules or solutions Epithelia provide protection and regulate the transfer of heat between the interior and exterior of structures as well as the transfer of water nutrients and other substances 2011 Pearson Education Inc Epithelial Tissues Epithelial cells typically form layers of closely packed cells All epithelial tissue has a polarity or sidedness An epithelium has an apical side which faces away from other tissues and toward the

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