UAB BY 123 - Chapter 50 effectors

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Chapter 50 effectors 12 03 2015 Sarcomere myofibrils muscle fibers muscle contraction Muscles contract by the sliding filament model Bring things across FIG 50 Actin thin filaments Myosin thick filaments ATP attaches to myosin head low energy confirmation Hydrolyze ATP turns into high energy myosin Myosin head reaches up and pulls actin over the myosin ADP P1 breaks off and low configuration occurs again Cycle starts over FIG 50 29 Troponin complexes Tropomyosin Ca2 binding sites Open myosin binding sites on actin Cause conformational change in tropomyosin Sarcolemma Acetylcholine opens up sodium channels on the surface of the muscle cells Depolarization releases calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum troponin tropomyosin myosin binds to actin You have different motor units 12 03 2015 12 03 2015

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UAB BY 123 - Chapter 50 effectors

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