UConn MCB 2210 - Problem Set 1 Solutions

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MCB 2210 SPRING 2015 PROBLEM SET 1 1 All of the following statements are true about the Cell Theory except a All living creatures are made of one or more cells b The cell is the structural unit of life c On the earth today cells only arise from division of pre existing cells d Earlier versions of Cell Theory thought that living cells could arise from non living material e All are true statements 2 Which of the following is are NOT evidence that RNA probably evolved before DNA and proteins to serve important functions in the prebiotic world a Proteins can substitute both for DNA and RNA functions b DNA and enzymes are only present in most advanced cells c RNA can both code for genetic information and act as a catalyst d Advanced cells lack RNA e a b and d are NOT evidence that RNA probably evolved before DNA and proteins 3 What characteristics distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells a Eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles prokaryotes do not b Prokaryotes have relatively little DNA eukaryotes generally have much more c Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear prokaryotic chromosomes are circular d Prokaryotes possess a unique flagellum e all of the above Match questions 4 7 with the best description use each only once a Primary b Secondary c Tertiary d Quaternary e Protein domain 4 Alpha helix formation B 5 A mutation in the DNA that changes amino acid sequence always alters this A 6 A region of a protein that confers a specific function such as phospholipid binding E 7 The crystal structure of a protein C 8 The key difference between a plant cell and an animal cell is a The presence of a plasma membrane b The presence of a nucleus c The presence of internal membranes d The organization of DNA e None of the above 9 The method in which antibodies are conjugated to a fluorophore and used to determine the location within the cell of a specific protein is called a immune surveillance b immunotherapy c polarization microscopy d immunofluorescence e differential interference contrast microscopy 10 Which statement about multicellularity is false a Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes can form multicellular organisms b Different cell types in a multicellular organism express different genes c Multicellular organisms can be much more complex than single cell organisms d Single celled organisms are in general less complex cells than the individual cells that comprise multicellular organisms e Multicellular organisms can form from the gathering of individual cells rather than fertilization of an egg by a sperm 11 Evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms are best determined using which of the following types of information a Comparison of nucleotide sequences b Comparison of structural features c Comparison of biochemical pathways d b and c are both correct e None of the above 12 Which of the following is an example of an epigenetic phenomenon a Several proteins share amino acid sequences that mediate calcium binding b Methylation of the DNA associated with a gene resulting in the transcription of that gene being inhibited over multiple cell generations c That all children of a person with Huntington s disease will get the disease d The primary sequence of the actin in the body e The information that makes your TA male or female 13 What is defined as the ability to see two neighboring points in a field as distinct entities a revolution b magnification c resolution d tintinnabulation e aberration 14 Which of the following conditions would result in the worst resolution in a light microscope a Red light and 0 95 N A b Blue light and 0 95 N A c Blue light and 0 7 N A d Red light and 0 7 N A e Green light and 0 95 N A 15 Which of the following things can limit resolution in microscopy a Color of the specimen b The wavelength of illumination light c The numerical aperture of the objective d b and c can limit resolution e The magnification power of the ocular lens 16 You wish to measure calcium concentration changes in living cells Which of the following microscopic techniques do you think would be most useful a Transmission electron microscopy b Scanning electron microscopy c Fluorescence microscopy using a calcium sensitive indicator dye that is able to cross a living cell s plasma membrane d None of the above 17 Which statement about light microscopy is true a A light microscope can generate contrast using interference of out of phase light b The resolution of light microscopes is limited primarily by the magnification of the lens used c Resolution is the only important aspect of visualizing cellular structures d Light microscopy has the same resolving power as all types of microscopy e None of the above 18 The absorbance of invisible UV light by a compound and the subsequent release by that compound of some of the energy as longer visible light wavelengths is known as a fluorochrome b luminescence c fluorescence d fluorophore e phosphorescence 19 In which light microscope technique does a molecule absorb energy from light and glow with a bright color or colors against a dark background The method is often used to localize specific molecules within a cell a dark field microscopy b bright field microscopy c phase contrast microscopy d fluorescence microscopy e polarization microscopy 20 In a fluorescence microscope wavelength incident light is absorbed by the specimen and reemitted at a wavelength a long longer b short longer c short shorter d long shorter e medium shorter 21 The resolution limit of a typical fluorescent microscope is 200 nm If two ribosomes that are 50 nm in diameter and 500 nm apart are labeled with a fluorescent antibody what will you see a You won t be able to detect the ribosomes at all because they are below the resolution limit of the microscope b You won t be able to detect them because you need an electron microscope to see such small objects c You will be able to detect the ribosomes but they will appear as a single 200 nm spot d You won t be able to detect them because the wavelength of light is not short enough to resolve them e None of the above 22 Which of the following is true of fluorescence microscopy a Fluorescent microscopy is useful because light is emitted uniformly throughout the specimen being viewed b Fluorescence microscopy is useful because it presents images in three dimensions c Fluorescence microscopy overcomes resolution problems inherent in light microscopy d Fluorescence microscopy can used to view dead specimens only e To view rounded

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UConn MCB 2210 - Problem Set 1 Solutions

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