GSU SOCI 1101 - Soci1101ReviewingforExam3

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Soci 1101 Reviewing for Exam 3 Chapters 10 11 12 14 Go over notes your and lectures Re read summary sections in the textbook Go over key terms Types of social mobility 3 ways of thinking about mobility Types of social system open close total Types history of human societies and the extent of social inequality The Kuznet s curve SES social class system in the U S names approximate income levels population size etc Wealth income differences inequality Differentiation inequality stratification Poverty the poverty line who are the poor in the U S demographic info Theoretical look at classism classic modern theories 3 5 basic survival social resources Social class pariah 3Ps the means of production meritocracy The 3 or 4 or 2 world system population income wealth divisions NIEs four little dragons or tigers 4 theories of global inequality market oriented dependency world system and state centered Globalization the world system theory core semi periphery periphery Wallerstein Marx Weber Davis Moore Wright Types of poverty relative absolute Stratification based on income and wealth domestic and global distribution of income and wealth Colonialism neo colonialism Race ethnicity definitions differences the process of classification Prejudice def and theories discrimination def and types Minority majority Self identity social identity labels Stereotype scapegoat racism Immigrant emigrant migrant worker refugee sojourner bracero un under documented Segregation genocide lynching Assimilation acculturation amalgamation plurality or pluralism diversity Dine AIM API Interment camps concentration camps Significance of 1492 1921 1924 1965 1619 1898

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GSU SOCI 1101 - Soci1101ReviewingforExam3

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