TAMU ANSC 107 - Animal Science Exam 2 Notes

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Page 54 o Spanish goats came over with early explorers walking Wal Mart could pack a lot on a boat produced everything you need wool milk meat Sheep and goats have a spiral colon Can go a long time without water retain water in body a long time o Lost wool and mohair incentive wasn t in need in type of clothing being made not getting good price on mohair o Boer goat breed to all to Boer goat which caused a HUGE decrease in mohair goats Spanish Boer cross o Sheep s and goats operations in arid and semi arid land o Rye grass 95 water can be left in back pasture with no water for weeks o Water needs depend on what they are eating o Need sheep herders can t leave them no fences o Sheep like weeds goats like browse o Used to run all species together to be environmentally friendly use all the land o Nannies raised for meat o Changes in industry making hair sheep more popular farm flock more popular taxes go down if you raise animals on property o Population centers closer to markets Page 55 o Texas 1 leading state in sheep and goats o Lower lamb production in range sheep o Survival of fittest problems with predators if people start going out of sheep goat business o 1 predator feral hog o Haemonchus Controtus internal parasites are a big problem where there is lots of grass Barber pole worm red and white stripes red blood white are eggs o Guard animals used to protect sheep and goats great big white dogs o China is the leader in world wool and sheep numbers cold wet cheap labor communist country o Small farm flock opposite of range production more intensively managed fed more more labor need more lambs on the ground oriented towards strictly lamb production more opportunities for wool contamination o Dogs are main culprits in farm flock operations o Do gooders took grazing sheep of land huge increase in number of fires bc sheep kept the weeds down o Great pyranese soldier on patrol walking parameter to protect animal bark Page 56 o Feedlot High concentration diets grain corn 1 lamb feedlots Colorado Major disease Overeating caused by C Perfringens only way to prevent it is vaccinate them or never feed them grain bacteria is happy when it gets highly digestible bacteria Urinary calculi primarily in goats don t get enough calcium in their diets want 2 1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus solids form and filiform appendage tube on end of penis shoots like firehouse and clogs in urethra to make sure only strong sperm only gets to end sheep have a crooked cervix like a kidney stone o Increase in Demand South is too cold for marketing in industry All consumer have a different desired product Chicken breast order 4 to 6 weeks Steak order 12 months Lamb goat different populations different products o 2000 s ewe lamb retention program stabilizing Page 57 o Farrow finish vertical integration copied poultry industry own everything from conception to consumption o Farrow wean selling baby pigs weans at 21 days and rebreeds sow o Feeder operations buys feeder pigs from farrow wean feeds out until ready to harvest o Farrow finish More biosecurity than any hospital in US in feeder operations NBA Number born alive Weaning weight and NBA are what is worried about California outlawed use of gestation crates pens where you keep sows If left to there own choice pig would go in a stall due to less stress getting rid of stalls caused more problems in animal well fare Page 58 o Poultry Vertical Integration own everything Grow out farms Sanderson farms example tell them everything they need to know to grow them on their farm Page 44 o Beef industry under fire due to hamburgers o 50 of beef consumed is ground beef a lot of surface area and a lot of room for contamination provides a source of nutrition o More people killed each year because of dairy products and you don t hear much news about it humans need to be smart Page 45 o HACCP Every food operation must have a plan Hazard analysis if there is going to be a problem where is it going to happen Copied from NASA Identify anything that can be a problem think ahead Physical glass 1 problem processors worry about in meat birdshot people shoot cows Biological e coli bacteria Chemical China added product to dog food it was toxic to dogs Grades o Cattle are heterogeneous o Grades take heterogeneous population and bring it down into small homogeneous groups Protein sold based on quality type attributes Grades quality grading yield grading o Quality of protein and cutability Market classes and grades are designed to accurately describe livestock that is being sold o Nomenclature allows for communication between countries o Makes sales understandable by all parties o Case ready products Wal Mart has solely case ready previously packaged take out of box and put in a case o Provides descriptive terms for understanding of different groups or buyers Changes in Marketing o Whole carcass sells boxed products Smaller increments easier to consume easier to sell Most consumers to consume every single part of the beef carcass o Online sales Places like NY have online sales send protein to home o Advertising sells everything Market Classes o Groups of animals separated according to use Slaughter Feeder Bred Heifers Pairs o Subclasses Age Sex Weight Grades o Designed to group animals according to relative merit within a market class o Relative merit certain prices we can give particular animal quality grade palatability overall consumer appeal experience taste o Cutability ratio of lean bone fat Feeder Cattle o Three frame sizes small medium large o Large frame size Charolais Brahman see issues with birth and growth characteristics o Muscle thickness 1 2 3 4 Feeder Pigs o US utility Pale soft exudated pork not acceptable PSE Blotchy skin white muscle texture is soft losing all water purge must have all of these characteristics to be PSE will be extremely dry when consumed Dark firm and dry lean dark appears dry better eating experience than normal pork has a high water capacity Feeder Cattle Grades o Cattle today 1300 1400 pounds o Weights have increased in past couple of years Grades o Rosenthal doesn t have quality products just sell products 80 90 head of beef a year killed at TAMU o Larger facilities grades are a necessity to make optimal amount of money for those animals o Protein typically from heifer and steer carcasses at market o Food service cow type product o Bull lean and muscular use carcass into sausage product hamburgers o Bullocks retail and food service level o

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