O-K-State LSB 3213 - 8-18+Class

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LSB 3213 Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business Professor Jack Wroldsen Office 210 Spears Business Building jack wroldsen okstate edu 405 744 5418 Welcome Fun class Challenging class Syllabus Textbook Policies D2L Clickers Participation in class assignments Grading don t miss exams Eligible for accommodations Testing Center Course Outline Legal philosophy and constitutional law Contracts and intellectual property Torts and criminal law Background California South America Arizona Chicago North Carolina Colorado Jobs Entrepreneurship Office hours see syllabus Life Questions Name and major Favorite and least favorite college course Summer or other job what and where Legal Philosophies Legal reasoning applied to practical issues Not what but why Marijuana Laws in Colorado Majority rules vs Universal morality Drifting in a Lifeboat The Situation Universal moral law vs Practical survival The Court Legal Reasoning Arguments definitive reasons logic This semester s goal Learn legal reasoning for business decisions Next Class Read Chapter 1 Be prepared to ask questions and discuss Thank you

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O-K-State LSB 3213 - 8-18+Class

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