OSU PHYSICS 1251 - P125x-124x%20COURSE%20INFORMATION%20Sp%202015

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COURSE INFORMATION PHYSICS 1250 1251 1240 1241 University Required Statement Physics 1250 1251 1240 1241 are Physical Science courses in the Natural Science category of the GEC The goals and objectives for this category are Goals Rationale Students in natural sciences gain understanding of the principles theories and methods of modern science the relationship between science and technology the implications of scientific discoveries and the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world Learning Objectives for Physical Science 1 Students understand the basic facts principles theories and methods of modern science 2 Students understand key events in the development of science and recognize that science is an evolving body of knowledge 3 Students describe the inter dependence of scientific and technological developments 4 Students recognize social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world How the Learning Objectives are Met 1 Student preconceptions and alternate conceptions of physical law are addressed head on in P125x and P124x This is a necessary component of any contemporary introduction to physics and is addressed in all components of the courses 2 Students learn the scientific theories that have developed from the 1600s to the present day They learn different modes of approaching the same phenomena such as force and energy methods in mechanics 3 Students understand that P125x and P124x introduce the basic physical laws that underlie all engineering applications Examples of applications are provided in the textbook and in demonstrations in lectures 4 Students understand that the social implications lie in the applications and that in the case of physics the social implications are taken up more appropriately in the engineering courses that teach the applications The reason for this is that physics does not go into details of how to build instruments or devices Students with Disability Please contact a course supervisor at the start of the semester so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you Students needing the services provided by the Office for Disability Services ODS will need to be certified by that office The ODS is located in 150 Pomerene Hall 1760 Neil Avenue telephone 292 3307 TDD 292 0901 http www ods ohio state edu ODS sets deadlines to be certified and to register for its services Failure to meet the deadlines will result in delayed access to ODS services The physics department has no control over the deadlines Assignment sheets Assignment sheets are distributed in the first lecture session of the semester thereafter they are available on line at the P125x and P124x websites and in a rack next to room SM 1011V Assignment sheets include information about required textbooks specific course policies and grading Textbooks Consult the assignment sheets for information concerning the required textbook and lab manual used in a course Tutoring A free tutoring service is available in SM 1011A and B see the schedule posted there for times A private tutor list is available at http pgsc physics osu edu tutors 1 COURSE INFORMATION PHYSICS 1250 1251 1240 1241 P125x and P124x websites These websites provide general information for the P125x and P124x courses and are accessible to anyone Copies of the Syllabus Assignment sheet COURSE INFORMATION GENERAL COURSE POLICY AND INFORMATION SUMMARY OF COURSE POLICY On Line Homework Instructions for Physics 1250 1251 1240 and 1241 and the form REQUEST FOR REGRADING can be found there CARMEN website https carmen osu edu This website provides information specific to a course and is accessible only to those students who are registered in the course It is here that course announcements results of exams grades etc may be found Your lecturer may place a sample midterm solutions to midterms quizzes and or homework and other things here The student should check this website regularly for current information about the course Academic Misconduct Not to report academic misconduct is itself regarded as academic misconduct Everyone in the university community has a duty to report suspected academic misconduct Academic Misconduct in Lab Students are not always aware of what constitutes proper academic conduct in a laboratory situation As a general rule one should not bring into the lab any material with data taken at other times or with any sort of answers written in ahead of time whether in the lab report or in the lab manual or on any sort of substance paper or not The presence of any such material in the lab will be considered evidence of intent to commit academic misconduct Any such materials used for study prior to the lab should be tucked away where they cannot be retrieved easily in a backpack or other such carrying case To receive credit the lab report must be handed in or checked off at the end of the period If it is removed from the lab in fairness to other students it cannot be accepted In no case may a lab report be taken home and be handed in later Academic Misconduct in Lecture When credit is given for use of clickers use of another student s clicker to obtain credit for that student must be reported to the Committee on Academic Misconduct Academic Misconduct in Recitation The procedures of the Ohio State University Committee on Academic Misconduct include the following in the definition of academic misconduct Providing or receiving information during quizzes and examinations such as course examinations The Physics Department refers all suspected cases of academic misconduct to the Committee on Academic Misconduct and usually follows the committee s recommendations but there can be exceptions Exams and quizzes may be photocopied for comparison with exams handed in for regrading All homework handed in for grading must be your own work If an exam states that no notes or books may be used you must demonstrate to your recitation instructor that your calculator memory is clear before the exam begins Students are permitted to work constructively with other students and to obtain help from instructors when solving on line homework problems Study by cooperative or collaborative methods is an excellent way to learn and retain understanding Use of a complete solution or final equation provided by another student a paid tutor or any form of web site or consultation defeats the purpose of the

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OSU PHYSICS 1251 - P125x-124x%20COURSE%20INFORMATION%20Sp%202015

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