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HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 4 3 06 8 41 AM Page 618 APPENDIX Review for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination The Fundamentals of Engineering FE exam is given semiannually by the National Council of Engineering Examiners NCEE and is one of the requirements for obtaining a Professional Engineering License A portion of this exam contains problems in statics and this appendix provides a review of the subject matter most often asked on this exam Before solving any of the problems you should review the sections indicated in each chapter in order to become familiar with the boldfaced definitions and the procedures used to solve the various types of problems Also review the example problems in these sections The following problems are arranged in the same sequence as the topics in each chapter Besides helping as a preparation for the FE exam these problems also provide additional examples for general practice of the subject matter Solutions to all the problems are given at the back of this appendix Chapter 2 Review All Sections C 1 Two forces act on the hook Determine the magnitude of the resultant force C 2 The force F 450 lb acts on the frame Resolve this force into components acting along members AB and AC and determine the magnitude of each component A C 45 450 lb 30 200 N 40 B 500 N 618 Prob C 1 Prob C 2 30 HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 4 3 06 8 41 AM Page 619 APPENDIX C R E V I E W FOR THE F U N D A M E N TA L S C 3 Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force OF 619 E N G I N E E R I N G E X A M I N AT I O N C 5 The force has a component of 20 N directed along the y axis as shown Represent the force F as a Cartesian vector y z 250 N 5 3 400 N 4 F 30 x 300 N 150 20 N y 70 x Prob C 5 Prob C 3 C 4 If F 530i 50j 45k6 N determine the magnitude and coordinate direction angles of the force C 6 The force acts on the beam as shown Determine its coordinate direction angles z z y 45 x x F Prob C 4 30 F 75 lb Prob C 6 y HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 620 4 3 06 APPENDIX C 8 41 AM REVIEW Page 620 FOR THE F U N D A M E N TA L S C 7 The cables supporting the antenna are subjected to the forces shown Represent each force as a Cartesian vector OF E N G I N E E R I N G E X A M I N AT I O N C 9 Determine the component of projection of the force F along the pipe AB z z F1 160 lb F2 80 lb F3 100 lb 100 ft B F 20i 30j 60k lb 10 ft x 2 ft 20 ft 20 ft y 4 ft A y 60 ft x 3 ft 30 ft Prob C 9 Prob C 7 C 8 Determine the angle u between the two cords Chapter 3 Review Sections 3 1 3 3 C 10 The crate at D has a weight of 550 lb Determine the force in each supporting cable z C A B 5 2m 2m 30 2m x A y u 2m 4m D 2m B Prob C 8 3 4 Prob C 10 HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 4 3 06 8 41 AM Page 621 APPENDIX C R E V I E W FOR THE F U N D A M E N TA L S C 11 The beam has a weight of 700 lb Determine the shortest cable ABC that can be used to lift it if the maximum force the cable can sustain is 1500 lb OF 621 E N G I N E E R I N G E X A M I N AT I O N C 13 The post can be removed by a vertical force of 400 lb Determine the force P that must be applied to the cord in order to pull the post out of the ground B C 5 4 3 B 30 A u u A P C 10 ft Prob C 11 Prob C 13 C 12 The block has a mass of 5 kg and rests on the smooth plane Determine the unstretched length of the spring Chapter 4 Review All Sections C 14 Determine the moment of the force about point O 600 lb 0 3 m 20 k 200 N m 0 4 m 30 5 ft O 45 Prob C 12 Prob C 14 0 5 ft HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 622 4 3 06 APPENDIX C 8 41 AM REVIEW Page 622 FOR THE F U N D A M E N TA L S C 15 Determine the moment of the force about point O Neglect the thickness of the member OF E N G I N E E R I N G E X A M I N AT I O N C 17 Determine the moment of the force about point A Express the result as a Cartesian vector z 50 N 100 mm B 60 F 30i 40j 50k N 6m A 1m 45 y 1m 200 mm 2m 1m O 5m x 100 mm Prob C 17 Prob C 15 C 16 Determine the moment of the force about point O C 18 Determine the moment of the force about point A Express the result as a Cartesian vector z B 500 N F 130 lb 14 ft C 3m 2 ft 45 2 ft O 3 ft 1 ft x Prob C 16 5 ft 4 ft A Prob C 18 y HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 4 3 06 8 41 AM Page 623 APPENDIX C R E V I E W FOR THE F U N D A M E N TA L S C 19 Determine the resultant couple moment acting on the beam 400 N 400 N OF 623 E N G I N E E R I N G E X A M I N AT I O N C 21 Replace the loading shown by an equivalent resultant force and couple moment system at point A 40 N 30 N 200 N m A 200 N 0 2 m A B 200 N 3m 5 3 3m 2m 4 3m 50 N 300 N 300 N Prob C 19 Prob C 21 C 20 Determine the resultant couple moment acting on the triangular plate C 22 Replace the loading shown by an equivalent resultant force and couple moment system at point A 100 lb 200 lb 150 lb 4 ft 4 ft 4 ft 200 lb 150 lb A 3 ft 4 ft 300 lb 300 lb Prob C 20 200 lb 3 ft 150 lb Prob C 22 HIBBMCAPPC 0132215004 FPP 624 4 3 06 APPENDIX C 8 41 AM REVIEW Page 624 FOR THE F U N D …

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