SAITEJASVI VALLABHANENI EE450 SESSION 5 LAB 2 OPNET WIRELESS LAN i ABSTRACT The IEEE 802 11 standard provides wireless connectivity to computerized stations that require rapid deployment The Medium Access Control MAC sublayer in the standard includes two fundamental access methods Distributed Coordination Function DCF and the Point Coordination Function PCF DCF uses CSMS CA approach while PCF is based on polling to determine the next station to transmit In this RIVERBED IT Guru Lab assignment we will create different scenarios concerned with wireless LANs The four scenarios that we are going to create are DCF DCF FRAG DCF PCF DCF PCF FRAG Then we choose required statistics to be observed and then compare the results in all the four scenarios We find the effects of using fragmentation and PCF on the statistics selected such as delay load throughput medium access delay and retransmission attempts ii
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