CS 6301 Big Data Analytics and Management Spring 2015 Homework Assignment 3 Due Mar 24 2015 11 59 p m Teaching Assistant Vishal Karande email vmk130030 utdallas edu Office hours Tuesday 2 30 pm 4 00 pm Friday 2 30 pm 4 00 pm Clark Center 1 202C Supplementary Materials In this homework you will learn how to use Pig Latin Hive and Cassandra There are slides on eLearning to help with every of these tools First take a look at ConnectToPigHiveServer pdf so that you know how to connect to UTD Hadoop servers To connect to server outside from college network first connect to cs1 utdallas edu server and then ssh the cs6360 utdallas edu using ssh Netid cs6360 command e g ssh vmk130030 cs6360 HDFS commands Here are commands to work with Hadoop filesystem HDFS List files hadoop fs ls or hadoop fs ls some other path Create a directory in Hadoop filesystem hadoop fs mkdir xyz100200 Copy from local home directory to the hdfs hadoop fs copyFromLocal my dat xyz100200 my dat And so on http hadoop apache org docs r0 19 0 hdfs shell html Instructions to work 1 Create and use only one directory with net id per user on the cluster e g xyz100200 2 Do not modify add files in the Spring 2015 input directory or other users directories all logs are tracked 3 Please pay attention that the tasks depend on your NetID Namely first letter is denotes as L first digit is denoted as X and last digit is denoted as Y For example for TA NetID the values are NetId vmk130030 then L v X 1 Y 0 Dataset We will use the datasets located under Spring 2015 input in the HDFS in the Programming Master Node CS6360 utdallas edu Please use this folder and don t copy modify any other folder on the server All dataset files are double colon separated movies dat ratings dat users dat MovieID Title Genres UserID MovieID Rating Timestamp UserID Gender Age Occupation Zip code Part 1 Pig Latin Q1 Using Pig Latin script list the unique userid of male users whose age between 20 40 and who has rated the lowest rated Comedy AND Drama movies You should consider all movies that has Comedy AND Drama both in its genre list Print only users whose zip starts with X Consider average rating to calculate the lowest rated movies While finding the Comedy and Drama movies you should count all users not only the male users Q2 Using Pig Latin script Implement co group command on MovieID for the datasets ratings and movies Print first 5 X rows Q3 Repeat Question 2 implement join with co group commands Print first 5 X rows Q4 Write a UDF User Define Function FORMAT GENRE in Pig which basically formats the genre in movie in the following Before formatting Children s After formatting 1 Children s NetId Before formatting Animation Children s After formatting 1 Children s 2 Animation NetId Before formatting Children s Adventure Animation After formatting 1 Children s 2 Adventure 3 Animation NetId Using Pig Latin script use the FORMAT GENRE function on movies dataset and print the movie name with its genre s Part 2 Hive Q5 Using Hive script find top 10 X average rated Comedy movies with descending order of rating Show the create table command load from local and the Hive query Q6 Using Hive script List all the movies with its genre where the movie genre is Comedy or Drama and the average movie rating is in between 4 5 4 6 inclusive and only the male users rate the movie Show the create table command load from local and the Hive query Q7 Dataset We will use the movie datasets here The datasets are located under hive partition hw3 the file names are January dat February dat and March dat in hadoop file System Please use these files to write your query The path contains three files for the partitioned months January February and March The datasets are semi colon separated and each line has the following 3 columns MovieID Title Genres Requirement Using Hive script create one table partitioned by month Show the create table one command load from local three commands and one Hive query that selects all columns from the table for the virtual column month of March Q8 Requirement Create three tables that have three columns each MovieID MovieName Genre Each table will represent a month The three months are January February and March Using Hive multi table insert insert values from the table you created in Q7 to these three tables each table should have names of movies e g movies march etc for the specified month Q9 Write a UDF User Define Function FORMAT GENRE in Hive which basically formats the genre in movies Before formatting Children s After formatting 1 Children s NetId hive Before formatting Animation Children s After formatting 1 Children s 2 Animation NetId hive Before formatting Children s Adventure Animation After formatting 1 Children s 2 Adventure 3 Animation NetId hive Submission Please upload the following to eLearning Script file for each Question as follows Qx pig or Qx hive where x is the Question number Text file with results of the script for each Question Qx res Give a readme file for how to run the program You will need to show your demo to TA Part 3 Cassandra In this homework you will learn how to use Cassandra Please use the Apache Cassandra 1 2 pdf for reference and help Cassandra 1 1 6 has been installed and you can access it through cs6360 utdallas edu It has four nodes csac0 csac1 csac2 and csac3 The path is usr local apache cassandra 1 1 6 You are going to create a keyspace with your net ID i e abc112233 and do all work in this keyspace Replication factor should be 1 We will use the IMDB user dataset given in previous HWs The dataset is located under cassandrainput in the hadoop file System Please use users dat file under this folder The dataset is separated and each line has the following 5 columns UserID Gender Age Occupation Zip code Q10 Cassandra CLI cs6360 usr local apache cassandra 2 0 5 bin cassandra cli host csac0 Requirements Using Cassandra CLI write commands to do the following 1 Create a COLUMN FAMILY for this dataset 2 Insert the following to the column family created in step 1 Use UserID as the key i 13 F 51 1 93334 ii 1471 F 31 17 11116 iii 1496 F 31 17 94118 with time to live ttl clause after 300 seconds 3 Show the following i Get the Gender and Occupation for user with id 13 ii Retrieve all rows and columns iii Delete column Gender for the user id 1471 iv Drop the column family 4 Use describe keyspace command with your netid and show content Q11 Cassandra CQL3 cs6360 usr local apache cassandra2 0 5 bin cqlsh 3 csac0
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