Developing Map Reduce Program for Hadoop The University of Texas at Dallas Big Data Course CS6350 Professor Dr Latifur Khan TA Gbadebo Ayoade gga110020 utdallas edu Release Date Spring 2015 GbadeboAyoade Driver code public static void main String args throws Exception Configuration conf new Configuration String otherArgs new GenericOptionsParser conf args getRemainingArgs get all args if otherArgs length 4 System err println Usage JoinExample in in2 out anymovieid System exit 2 hadoop conf set movieid otherArgs 3 setting global data variable for create a job with name joinexc Job job new Job conf joinexc job setJarByClass JoinExample class job setReducerClass Reduce class OPTIONAL uncomment the following line to add the Combiner job setCombinerClass Reduce class MultipleInputs addInputPath job new Path otherArgs 0 TextInputFormat class Map1 class MultipleInputs addInputPath job new Path otherArgs 1 TextInputFormat class Map2 class job setOutputKeyClass Text class set output value type job setOutputValueClass Text class set the HDFS path of the input data set the HDFS path for the output FileOutputFormat setOutputPath job new Path otherArgs 2 job waitForCompletion true I have attached the source file to this lecture The Mapper classes and reducer code The Mapper classes and reducer code public static class Map1 extends Mapper LongWritable Text Text Text String mymovieid Override protected void setup Context context throws IOException InterruptedException TODO Auto generated method stu super setup context Configuration conf context getConfiguration mymovieid conf get movieid to retrieve movieid set in main method private Text rating private Text movieid new Text type of output key public void map LongWritable key Text value Context context throws IOException InterruptedException String mydata value toString split System out println value toString String intrating mydata 2 rating new Text rat intrating movieid set mydata 1 trim context write movieid rating public static class Map2 extends Mapper LongWritable Text Text Text private Text myTitle new Text private Text movieid new Text type of output key public void map LongWritable key Text value Context context throws IOException InterruptedException String mydata value toString split System out println value toString String title mydata 1 myTitle set mov title movieid set mydata 0 trim context write movieid myTitle The reducer class public static class Reduce extends Reducer Text Text Text Text private Text result new Text private Text myKey new Text note you can create a list here to store the values public void reduce Text key Iterable Text values Context context throws IOException InterruptedException for Text val values result set val toString myKey set key toString if key toString trim compareTo 1 0 context write myKey result output only if movied is 1 Other APIs you will need To add file to distributed cache for map side join This should be added to you driver code final String NAME NODE hdfs sandbox hortonworks com 8020 job addCacheFile new URI NAME NODE user hue users users dat added to your mapper class for map side join Override driver code protected void setup Context context throws IOException InterruptedException TODO Auto generated method stu super setup context myMap new HashMap String String Configuration conf context getConfiguration movieid conf get movieid for retrieving data you set in Path localPaths context getLocalCacheFiles for Path myfile localPaths String line null String nameofFile myfile getName File file new File nameofFile FileReader fr new FileReader file BufferedReader br new BufferedReader fr line br readLine while line null String arr line split myMap put arr 0 arr 1 userid and gender line br readLine Hadoop also provides setup and cleanup to perform preprocessing and post processing on your data Below is a pseudocode class mapper setup initialize top ten sorted list map key record insert record into top ten sorted list if length of array is greater than 10 then truncate list to a length of 10 cleanup for record in top sorted ten list emit null record class reducer setup initialize top ten sorted list reduce key records sort records truncate records to top 10 for record in records emit record cleanup You can check page 81 in MapReduce Design Patterns by Donald Miner and Adam Shook for the java code
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