CS M151B EE M116C Computer Systems Architecture Glenn Reinman 4731G Boelter Hall reinman cs ucla edu Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology Progress in computer technology Makes novel applications feasible Underpinned by Moore s Law 1 1 Introduction The Computer Revolution Computers in automobiles Cell phones Human genome project World Wide Web Search Engines Computers are pervasive Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 3 Classes of Computers Personal computers General purpose variety of software Subject to cost performance tradeoff Server computers Network based High capacity performance reliability Range from small servers to building sized Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 4 Classes of Computers Supercomputers High end scientific and engineering calculations Highest capability but represent a small fraction of the overall computer market Embedded computers Hidden as components of systems Stringent power performance cost constraints Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 5 The PostPC Era Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 6 The PostPC Era Personal Mobile Device PMD Battery operated Connects to the Internet Hundreds of dollars Smart phones tablets electronic glasses Cloud computing Warehouse Scale Computers WSC Software as a Service SaaS Portion of software run on a PMD and a portion run in the Cloud Amazon and Google Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 7 What You Will Learn How programs are translated into the machine language The hardware software interface What determines program performance And how the hardware executes them And how it can be improved How hardware designers improve performance What is parallel processing Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 8 Understanding Performance Algorithm Programming language compiler architecture Determine number of machine instructions executed per operation Processor and memory system Determines number of operations executed Determine how fast instructions are executed I O system including OS Determines how fast I O operations are executed Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 9 Design for Moore s Law Use abstraction to simplify design Make the common case fast Performance via parallelism Performance via pipelining Performance via prediction Hierarchy of memories Dependability via redundancy 1 2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture Eight Great Ideas Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 10 Application software Written in high level language System software Compiler translates HLL code to machine code Operating System service code 1 3 Below Your Program Below Your Program Handling input output Managing memory and storage Scheduling tasks sharing resources Hardware Processor memory I O controllers Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 11 Levels of Program Code High level language Assembly language Level of abstraction closer to problem domain Provides for productivity and portability Textual representation of instructions Hardware representation Binary digits bits Encoded instructions and data Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 12
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