UConn MCB 2210 - MCB 2210.001 (1-21-2015)

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MCB 2210 001 1 21 2015 Syllabus and Professor s Notes are on HuskyCT Syllabus Overview Contact information for David Daggett and his TA Sean Stoessel are in the syllabus along with office hours 4 exams 1 will be dropped o There will be a cumulative exam that cannot be dropped o Tests will be administered in the testing center in Arjona 110 Sign up link for exams is in HuskyCT There s no required textbook HuskyCT will have the lecture notes from Daggett and after lecture the audio of it Problem Sets DO THEM to study for tests o They are optional but highly recommended Lecture 1 Introduction Cell Theory o All living things are made of cells o Cells are the basic structural unit of living things o Cells today only arise from division of preexisting cells So cells can produce new cells However some cells are locked in a non dividing state and do NOT produce new cells Complexity of cells depends on the DNA and the genes in the DNA that are being expressed o Central Dogma DNA transcription RNA translation Protein o There are coding genes genes that are expressed and noncoding genes which aren t o DNA codes for multiple types of RNA mRNA codes for proteins and others that don t code for proteins o The same gene can be expressed in different ways in a process known as splicing Splicing them differently will result in a different protein o Prokaryotes have less coding genes than eukaryotes because they are not as complex Prokaryotes No membrane bound nucleus organelles Eukaryotes Have membrane bound nucleus organelles Plant cells and algae have a few more organelles not in other eukaryotes o Chloroplasts and cell walls Genome the entire sequence of DNA o Can predict but not determine which proteins are coded for Proteome proteins complementary to genetic sequence on DNA Can t determine because different genes are expressed see above Organisms even if they are very different in types of proteins coded for by DNA o All cells in the body of an organism have the same DNA Different types of cells ex bone v heart express different genes Different genes expressed The same cell with the same DNA can behave differently based on the environment it which it s placed because different genes are activated Transcription factors proteins that bind DNA can activate or repress gene transciptions Transcriptome genes being transcribed Signal Transduction how cells respond to environmental stimuli o Pathways of interactions Epigenetic changes o Changes in the sequences in DNA o Modification of the DNA with histones chemically not structurally Can cause genes to be active or inactive temporarily or permanently

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UConn MCB 2210 - MCB 2210.001 (1-21-2015)

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