Spring 2015 MAE 405 Sections 201 210 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AEROSPACE ENINEERING Summer 2015 MAE 405 Dynamics and Control Laboratory 2216 Engineering Building III Course Website http moodle wolfware ncsu edu Lab Teaching Assistants Sections 051 Nicole Wiswall enwiswal ncsu edu Sections 052 Christopher Yoder cdyode ncsu edu Lab Director Dr James Kribs 2212 Engineering Building III jdkribs ncsu edu 919 513 0315 Office Hours By Appointment Only Course Meeting Times Table 1 Section Listing Section Time 208 216 Thursday 10 40 12 30 Thursday 14 55 16 45 Course Pre requisites Co requisites Prerequisite MAE 306 or C or better in MAE 253 Co requisite MAE 435 or MAE 461 Text The MAE435 461 text will be used throughout the semester Course Overview Dynamics and Controls Laboratory introduces the students to principles of dynamics and controls by applying classroom theory to experiments and comparing predictions with measured results Students utilize experimental test rigs in conjunction with dynamic models to demonstrate the motion of dynamic systems and to design control systems to manage that motion Concepts demonstrated include Newton s pg 1 Spring 2015 MAE 405 Sections 201 210 laws properties of mechanical vibrations including natural frequency damping mode shapes etc and fundamental PID control Student Learning Outcomes Throughout Dynamics and Controls Laboratory the application of the Scientific Method http en wikipedia org wiki Scientific method is emphasized as it applies to engineering experimentation At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to do the following Perform an experiment and collect meaningful data Analyze experimental data and draw engineering conclusions Interpret the behavior of dynamic mechanical vibratory systems Understand and build a fundamental analog PID controller using basic electronic components Prepare a technical laboratory report Course Structure The course will be comprised of the following elements Pre lab assignments including reading and problem sets In class experimental work Laboratory reports and presentations There will be a pre lab assignment for each lab It will consist of a reading assignment handout text and any other material deemed appropriate and a problem set These assignments will give the student the opportunity to become familiar with and understand the theoretical material that will be used in performing the experiment Each student will be required to write 5 short format laboratory reports and 2 long format laboratory reports 1 individual 1 group Details on the format of the reports will be given in a separate document A technical poster or slide presentation will be prepared by each group on which to give an oral presentation at the end of the semester Details will be provided by your lab instructor Projected Weekly Schedule Table 2 Schedule Week Date Lab 1 5 21 2015 1 2 5 24 2015 2 3 6 4 2015 3 Title Introduction to MATLAB Analysis of Simple Circuits Operational Amplifiers pg 2 Spring 2015 MAE 405 Sections 201 210 4 6 11 2015 4 1 Dimensional Mass Spring Damper System 5 6 18 2015 5 Analog PID Controllers 6 6 25 2015 6 Analog PID Controllers 7 7 2 2015 Independence Day 8 7 9 2015 7 9 7 16 2015 8 PID Control Gain Tuning Cantilever Beam Deflection Please note that this schedule is subject to change with prior notice Laboratory Safety Laboratory safety is everyone s responsibility No one should work with a piece of laboratory equipment on which they are unfamiliar Instructors will point out the location of safety equipment in the laboratory and will discuss any required precautions necessary for conducting experiments in a safe manner The laboratory is equipped with a Safety Plan Manual This manual is a resource for personnel working in a laboratory to know what hazards are present This manual will be pointed out to and discussed with the students during the first laboratory session It is student s responsibility to read the Safety Plan Manual and understand the safety hazards present in the laboratory There are three specific safety rules that will be implemented and enforced in the laboratories Safety glasses will be worn at all times while in the laboratory The first pair will be provided by the University If lost the student is responsible for purchasing another pair from an appropriate vendor Closed toe shoes are required to be worn e g no flip flops No food or drink is permitted in the laboratory Violation of these safety rules will result in point deductions Details TBD To Be Determined Grading Grading will focus around the presentation of technical information in written or presentation formats While most of the work will be conducted in groups each member of the group will be expected to contribute to the assignment Individual efforts will be assigned using the group reviews after each assignment Please submit all lab reports with the following title MAE405 Section Group docx example MAE405 051 Group1 failure to do so will result in point deductions All labs will be submitted through the course moodle site moodle wolfare ncsu edu The grading breakdown is as follows Pre lab Assignments 10 Short Format Laboratory Reports 50 Long Format Laboratory Reports 30 pg 3 Spring 2015 MAE 405 Sections 201 210 Attendance 10 Format and grading of the reports will be provided in a separate document Table 3 Numerical to Letter Grade Conversion Late Assignments Assignments pre lab assignments and reports are due at the beginning of the laboratory session There will be a 10 minute grace period after which an assignment is considered late Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 80 and will be accepted up to 24 hours late After 24 hours the assignment will be given a zero Attendance The nature of laboratory experimentation requires that all laboratory sessions be attended If it is necessary to attend a different laboratory section because of a valid excused absence arrangements must be made in advance of the laboratory session being missed First determine which section you intend to attend and get permission from that Instructor Once approved notify the regular Instructor of your anticipated absence If unable to attend a regularly scheduled laboratory session arrangements must be made between you and your TA as to when you can make up the work Just because the absence is excused doesn t remove the obligation to complete the work Failure to follow these procedures will result in a zero for
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