UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Final Exam Study Guide

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POLS 2312 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Final Exam Chapter 1 The Environment of Texas Politics Political Behavior Patterns Land People Searching for new economic directions Social and economic policy issues Chapter 2 Federalism and the Texas Constitution The American Federal Structure The Texas Constitution Chapter 3 Local Governments Local politics Municipal Governments Counties Special districts Metropolitan areas Chapter 4 Political Parties An overview of Texas Political History Chapter5 Campaigns and Elections Political Campaigns Voting Special elections Chapter 6 The Politics of Interest Groups Interest groups in the Political Process Types of interest groups Interest group activities Chapter 7 The Legislature Legislative framework Legislators Legislative organizations Legislative operations Influences within the legislative environment Chapter 8 The Executive Overview of governorship Legislative powers of the Governor Judicial powers of the Governor The plural executive Chapter 10 Laws Courts and Justice State laws in Texas Courts judges lawyers and juries Judicial procedures Correction and rehabilitation Problems and reforms Chapter 11 Finance and Fiscal Policy Fiscal policies Revenue Sources Budgeting and fiscal Management Future Demands Specific Areas Summary of the Texas Constitutions Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI State debt Rainy day fund Business taxes franchise unemployment severance Numbers House members Senate members U S Congressional districts Electoral college votes Environmental concerns Auto Accidents Judicial system and processes case load specifics of cases and where they are handled Supreme Court cases dealing with capital punishment mentioned in chapter 10 Redistricting good ole boy system versus a pluralist system representation power Bottom line Metro areas History of political parties in Texas 3 distinct time periods Amendments 15th 19th 24th 26th and Voting Rights Act as amended in 1975 Voter registration requirements Voter turnout Lobbying PACs Public assistance programs Services available in the state Elite access Texas Railroad Commission Homeland Security Features of bureaucracy class notes specifically Fiscal policies of Texas State debt Rainy day fund Business taxes franchise unemployment severance Numbers House members Senate members U S Congressional districts Electoral College votes Environmental concerns Auto Accidents Deregulation Poverty in Texas Public Education Economically disadvantaged students in Texas Health Insurance in Texas Mental health concerns

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Final Exam Study Guide

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