GEOG 110 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Chapter 9 South Asia Lecture notes Background o Plate tectonics has caused India to collide with Asia creating Himalayas o Area affected by colonization o People and cultures of this area are very different because they are secluded Due to Himalayas and large rivers o Monsoon area affected by changing wind patterns Half the year flooded and drought the other half Seasonal patterns created the religion Hinduism o Religions Hinduism oldest religion came from Indo Europeans Aryans Buddhism born out of discontent made by the state religion in India Buda helped people in his own way broke the caste system Islam swept through Northern India Culture Hearth o Harappan Civilization Indus River o Aryanepan centered on Ganges River o Mauryan Empire took control of entire peninsula through war Should have won the hearts and minds Introduced new religion Dharma to improve lives o Gupta Empire Resulted from the introduction of Dharma Classical period o Mughals from Persia Brought Islam traditional religion vs Islam Persians left leadership intact and lead from above Lead to caste system Top of system lives improved kept traditional religion Bottom of system transferred from Hinduism to Islam for a better life Europeans intervened through trade East India Trading Company o Turned religions against each other o Created Interdependency o Extracted resources to be made in Europe then sold back to India BB Content Child Labor o About children that make Persian style carpets by hand o Woven on looms owned by contract villages only job opportunity o Poor housing standards basically child slaves o Affects their health Ganga River o A sacred river mother divinity o Used for bathing laundry and religion Hindu o Very polluted people believe it will cleanse itself leading to sickness Chapter 9 Key Terms Adivasi an umbrella term for a heterogeneous set of ethnic and tribal people in India who represent a significant part of the manual labor force in the regions where they predominate Anthropogenic created or retained by human beings Aryan a group of livestock keeping people from the northwest who populated the plains of the Ganges River in India from 1500 500 b c e Bollywood Bonded labor labor that is pledged against an outstanding debt Brain drain a situation that occurs when the most talented and well educated young people emigrate out of their home nation in search of opportunities elsewhere Buddhism a belief system that originated in South Asia and is traced to Prince Siddhartha a religious leader who lived in northern India prior to the 6 th century b c e and came to know as Buddha the enlightened one Buddhism stresses nonviolence moderation and the cessation of suffering Call centers an industry in which workers respond to sales and customer service phone calls from around the world and work long hours for modest pay Caste a system of kinship groupings that is reinforced by language religion and occupation Deforestation the clearing thinning or elimination of tree cover in historically forested areas most typically referring to human caused tree cover loss Dependency an economic system in which resources flow from poorer to richer nations as a result of unfair trade colonial control and other unequal power structures Dharma a core aspect of Hinduism and Buddhism the principle of cosmic order in which actions are aligned with a right way of being and doing in the universe virtue righteousness and social duty Distributary river branch that flow away from the main stream Drone an unarmed remote controlled aerial military vehicle used to spy on and strike enemy targets Endogamous a description of culture where families are expected to find marriage partners for their children among other members of the kinship group GMOs an organism that has had its DNA modified in a laboratory rather than cross pollination or other forms of evolution Grameen Bank a nongovernmental grassroots organization formed to provide small loansreferred to as microfinance to the rural poor in Bangladesh which has grown into an international institution that lends worldwide to poor borrowers who have no credit Great Game a conflict between Great Britain and Russia over the border region of Afghanistan and China in the 1800s and 1900s Green Revolution a technological package of higher yield seeds especially wheat rice and corn that in combination with irrigation fertilizers pesticides and farm machinery was able to increase crop production in the developing world after about 1950 Gross national happiness a term coined by the king of Bhutan to encourage the measurement of the spiritual development and quality of life of the population as opposed to per capita economic activity Gupta Empire the empire that united northern India from 320 480 c e and produced the decimal system of notation the golden age of Sanskrit and Hindu art and contributions to science medicine and trade Harappan Civilization considered the first urban civilization in the Indus River Valley employed sophisticated agricultural techniques to produce surpluses primarily in cotton and grains Hinduism a major religious and cultural tradition developed from Vedic religion not a single organized religion with one sacred text or doctrine Hinduism has no unifying organizational structure worship is not congregational and there is no agreement as to the nature of the divinity Hinduism exists in different forms in different communities and is practices by roughly a billion people in South Asia Hindutva a social and political movement that calls on India to unite as an explicitly Hindu nation it has given birth to a range of political parties over the years including the Bharatiya Janata Party Indian National Congress Party a party established in India to promote democracy and freedom in 1887 led by Mohandas Gandhi Intercropping a mixing of different crop species that have varying degree of productivity and drought tolerance to produce a greater yield Islam the religion of the Muslims that is based on submission to God s will according to the Qur an Jati kinship groups associated with Hinduism and therefore most common in India and Nepal Karma the idea in Hinduism and Buddhism of cosmic responsibilities for actions and deeds visited upon eternal souls throughout an endless cycle of reincarnated lifetimes Lingua Franca a common language used to communicate among people of different backgrounds and languages often for trading purposes
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