MANA 3320 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Structures Functions and Leadership of Labor Unions II Levels of Unionization III Structure and Function of Local Unions IV Executive Order 10988 V Teacher Unions VI Collective Bargaining VII 3 Subjects of Bargaining VIII Clauses of Union Contracts Outline of Current Lecture I Managing Across Borders II Training and Development III Performance Appraisal IV Underlying Principles of High Performance Work Systems Current Lecture CH 15 International Human Resources Management Managing Across Borders o International corporation o Global corporation o Firm with independent business units operating in multiple countries Transnational corporation o Firm that has integrated worldwide operations through a centralized home office Multinational corporation MNC o Domestic firm that uses its existing capabilities to move into overseas markets Firm that attempts to balance local responsiveness and global scale via a network of specialized operating units Codetermination These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Board of directors must have a seat for a member representing the union Training and Development o 5 Essential training program content to prepare employees for working internationally 1 Language training Will be a much more effective manager if you know the language Will be able to manage foreigners more effectively if you know the language 2 Cultural training 3 Assessing and tracking career development 4 Managing personal and family life o Most foreign assignments that do fail are due to this reason 5 Repatriation Orientation when they return to the U S Particularly if the assignment is over 2 years Culture shock How will an overseas assignment advance my career Perpetual stress experienced by people who settle overseas Performance Appraisal o o Who should appraise performance Home country evaluations Host country evaluations Home vs Host Country Evaluations Local managers with daily contact with the person are more likely to have an accurate picture or his or her performance CH 16 Creating High Performance Work Systems Underlying principles of High Performance Work Systems o Shared information o Knowledge development o Performance reward linkage o Egalitarianism Use a lot of facilitators and big supporters of team management
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