UT Dallas CS 6350 - CQLExample

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We ll create and use a test keyspace cqlsh CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication class SimpleStrategy replication factor 1 cqlsh USE test Go ahead and flip over to cassandra cli and use the test keyspace there as well default use test In our first example let s look at the simple table composed of three fields using a simple primary key cqlsh test CREATE TABLE example field1 int PRIMARY KEY field2 int field3 int And we will toss in a few example rows cqlsh test INSERT INTO example field1 field2 field3 VALUES 1 2 3 cqlsh test INSERT INTO example field1 field2 field3 VALUES 4 5 6 cqlsh test INSERT INTO example field1 field2 field3 VALUES 7 8 9 And as we would expect the resulting entry as viewed through CQL is cqlsh test SELECT FROM example field1 field2 field3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 However this looks very different when viewed from cassandra cli default test list example RowKey 1 column value timestamp 1374546754299000 column field2 value 00000002 timestamp 1374546754299000 column field3 value 00000003 timestamp 1374546754299000 RowKey 4 column value timestamp 1374546757815000 column field2 value 00000005 timestamp 1374546757815000 column field3 value 00000006 timestamp 1374546757815000 RowKey 7 column value timestamp 1374546761055000 column field2 value 00000008 timestamp 1374546761055000 column field3 value 00000009 timestamp 1374546761055000 The mapping from CQL statements to their internal representations The value of the CQL primary key is used internally as the row key which in the new CQL paradigm is being called a partition key The names of the non primary key CQL fields are used internally as columns names The values of the non primary key CQL fields are then internally stored as the corresponding column values Consider the following table CREATE TABLE tweets user text time timestamp tweet text lat float long float PRIMARY KEY user time Take special notice of how the primary key is defined Again here we have a partition key user The partition key is always the first field in the primary key and it can optionally be compound as in the previous example We also have a clustering key time The clustering key or keys are the fields contained in the primary key asides from the partition key It will become clear in a moment why the pieces of the primary key are labeled as partition or clustering After entering in several items we select the contents of the table and here s what we get cqlsh test SELECT FROM tweets user time lat long tweet softwaredoug 2013 07 13 08 21 54 0400 38 162 78 549 Having chest pain softwaredoug 2013 07 21 12 15 27 0400 38 093 78 573 Speedo self shot jnbrymn 2013 06 29 20 53 15 0400 38 092 78 453 I like programming jnbrymn 2013 07 14 22 55 45 0400 38 073 78 659 Who likes cats jnbrymn 2013 07 24 06 23 54 0400 38 073 78 647 My coffee is cold What s more we can easily and efficiently select all tweets for a particular user cqlsh test SELECT FROM tweets WHERE user jnbrymn And we can easily and efficiently select all tweets for a particular user within a particular time slice cqlsh test SELECT FROM tweets WHERE user jnbrymn AND time 2013 07 01 In all of the queries it is also significant that we are efficiently retrieving all information associated with each tweet tweet text lat long without having to issue multiple queries In order to understand why these queries are efficient it s informative to look again at the cassandra cli listing of tweets default test list tweets RowKey softwaredoug column 2013 07 13 08 21 54 0400 value timestamp 1374673155373000 column 2013 07 13 08 21 54 0400 lat value 4218a5e3 timestamp 1374673155373000 column 2013 07 13 08 21 54 0400 long value c29d1917 timestamp 1374673155373000 column 2013 07 13 08 21 54 0400 tweet value 486176696e67206368657374207061696e2e timestamp 1374673155373000 column 2013 07 21 12 15 27 0400 value timestamp 1374673155407000 column 2013 07 21 12 15 27 0400 lat value 42185f3b timestamp 1374673155407000 column 2013 07 21 12 15 27 0400 long value c29d2560 timestamp 1374673155407000 column 2013 07 21 12 15 27 0400 tweet value 53706565646f2073656c662073686f742e timestamp 1374673155407000 RowKey jnbrymn column 2013 06 29 20 53 15 0400 value timestamp 1374673155419000 column 2013 06 29 20 53 15 0400 lat value 42185e35 timestamp 1374673155419000 column 2013 06 29 20 53 15 0400 long value c29ce7f0 timestamp 1374673155419000 column 2013 06 29 20 53 15 0400 tweet value 49206c696b652070726f6772616d6d696e672e timestamp 1374673155419000 column 2013 07 14 22 55 45 0400 value timestamp 1374673155434000 column 2013 07 14 22 55 45 0400 lat value 42184ac1 timestamp 1374673155434000 column 2013 07 14 22 55 45 0400 long value c29d5168 timestamp 1374673155434000 column 2013 07 14 22 55 45 0400 tweet value 57686f206c696b657320636174733f timestamp 1374673155434000 column 2013 07 24 06 23 54 0400 value timestamp 1374673155485000 column 2013 07 24 06 23 54 0400 lat value 42184ac1 timestamp 1374673155485000 column 2013 07 24 06 23 54 0400 long value c29d4b44 timestamp 1374673155485000 column 2013 07 24 06 23 54 0400 tweet value 4d7920636f6666656520697320636f6c642e timestamp 1374673155485000 We see here that internally in Cassandra these tweets are stored in two different rows The internal rows are keyed by the user names the partition keys This is why it is so efficient to retrieve all the tweets for a single user The internal columns are named by the tweet times the clustering keys This is why it is so efficient to query for slices along the cluster keys Also demonstrated here the names of the non private key fields are appended to the internal column names This makes it possible to grab all fields that are associated with a given tweet without having to make independent queries

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