MANA 3320 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Why Employees Unionize II 4 Shops III Union Organizing Campaigns IV How Employees Become Unionized V Salting Outline of Current Lecture I Structures Functions and Leadership of Labor Unions II Levels of Unionization III Structure and Function of Local Unions IV Executive Order 10988 V Teacher Unions VI Collective Bargaining VII 3 Subjects of Bargaining VIII Clauses of Union Contracts Current Lecture Structures functions and leadership of labor unions o Craft unions o Industrial unions o Represent all workers skilled semiskilled unskilled employed along industry lines Employee associations Represent skilled craft workers Represent various groups of professional and white collar employees in labormanagement relations Levels of unionization o 1 Federation don t have to be part of this at all These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o 2 National international o 3 Regional only industrial unions o 4 Local Structure and function of local unions o Local officers o Union steward o The term applied to the goals of US labor organizations which collectively bargain wages hours job security and working conditions Executive order 10988 o Executive orders can be law if it s not challenged in the courts or by congress o Legalized unions for federal gov t workers o 24 are right to work 23 allow unions 3 are undecided Teachers unions o o NEA are 3 2 million teachers Doesn t ever strike Doesn t consider itself a union AFT are 1 4 million teachers An employee as a nonpaid union official represents the interests of members in their relations with management Business Unionism industrial democracy Elected officials who lead the union and serve on the bargaining committee for a new contract Strikes a lot Collective bargaining contract negotiating o Usually begins 4 6 months prior to the contract expiring o Always occurs at neutral locations o Have wishlists o Negotiating teams are normally 5 or 6 people 3 Subjects of Bargaining o o 1 Mandatory subjects Parties have to negotiate and talk about it They do not have to agree Anything that pertains to wages hours working conditions 2 Permissive subjects o Anything that is not mandatory or illegal 3 Illegal subjects Anything that pertains to something that is now illegal Ex closed shops Clauses in Union Contracts o Management o Managements rights clause Labor Seniority clause Due process clause grievance procedures
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