UT Arlington MANA 3320 - Closed Shop

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MANA 3320 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Due Process II Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR III Decrease in Union Membership IV Government Regulation of Labor Relations Outline of Current Lecture I Why Employees Unionize II 4 Shops III Union Organizing Campaigns IV How Employees Become Unionized V Salting Current Lecture Why employees unionize o 1 Economic reasons o 2 Dissatisfaction with managerial practices To improve wages and benefits working conditions Arbitrary management decisions o 3 To fulfill social and status needs o 4 Social and leadership concerns 4 Shops o o 1 Closed shop Agreement with the union that the company would only hire union members Now illegal due to Taft Hartley Act 2 Union shop o The company can hire whoever it wants but the applicant must join the union after they are hired 30 days 3 Agency shop These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Only happens when union contracts have a union shop clause in it and has a facility in a right to work state The company can hire anyone it wants in the right to work state and the applicant can either join the union or if not then have to pay union dues or give the same amount to charity 4 Open shop Right to work states Employees work without any strings attached they can join a union or not Union organizing campaigns o Normally started by unhappy employees or by union organizers o Needs 30 of employees to sign the union authorization card o NLRB sets election date to create the union Management cannot prevent wearing union buttons if they wish Management cannot stop employees from passing out flyers and soliciting unless they have a no solicitation policy in the company that is actually enforced and it has to be in place before the union organizing effort If the company does not allow solicitation then the people that want the union can give out flyers on the public sidewalk near the company or you can mail to the employees homes How employees become unionized o Bargaining unit o A group of two or more employees who share common employment interests and conditions and may reasonably be grouped together for purposes of collective bargaining Exclusive representation Only full time workers can be part of unions The legal right and responsibility of the union to represent all bargaining unit members equally regardless of whether employees join the union or not Salting o Get union organizers to be hired at a company and organize a union from the inside Companies would fire them if they found out and the company would get sued This is illegal due to the Wagner Act

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UT Arlington MANA 3320 - Closed Shop

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