UConn NRE 3201 - Final Exam Study Guide

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NRE 3201 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Conservation Law Enforcement University of Connecticut Storrs CT Spring 2015 Final Exam Date Thursday May7 2015 Format Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank What You Need to Know Standard of Proof o Must be met for evidence in a criminal prosecution o Beyond a reasonable doubt o Highest standard o For an arrest probable cause o For an investigative detention articulable suspicion Evidence o Physical Evidence items of non living origin o Direct Evidence establishes fact without further analysis o Circumstantial Evidence requires further analysis and explanation to establish fact Enforcement Strategies o Proactive Enforcement o Criminal Investigations o Accident Investigations o Public Outreach Juveniles o CT under the age of 18 o Juvenile summons issued for criminal offenses o Infractions can be issued exception of marijuana offense Search and Seizure o 4th amendment of U S Constitution o Article 7 of CT constitution Probable Cause o Facts and circumstance that would lead a reasonably intelligent prudent person to believe that specific items are on a person or certain place thing o Can also lead to intelligent prudent person to believe that a person had committed a crime Curtilage o The area around a home into which home life extends o Proximity of area to the home itself o Area within an enclosure surrounding the home fence o Nature of the use of the area o Steps taken to protect the area from observation Exclusionary Rule o Illegally obtained evidence is not admissible in court Terry Search o Quick search out outer clothing o Specifically for weapons o Must have reasonable belief that person is armed o stop and frisk o Goals prevention of violent crime protection of officer Fruits of the crime o All property that is acquired through a criminal act Open Fields Doctrine o Expectation of privacy is less in unoccupied undeveloped areas outside curtilage of home o Even if posted against trespass Warrantless Searches Plain View Doctrine o Officers may conduct warrantless searches if Evidence contraband is immediately apparent Found in plain view during a LAWFUL observation o Three criteria must be met Must have legal right to be there Evidence must be detected through normal senses Discovery must be by chance Consent Search o No warrant or probable cause needed o Must be freely voluntarily given no coercion o Person does have the right to refuse o Person may revoke consent at any time Maximum Minimumfishsizes o Rating Overall REASONABLE Dockside REASONABLE At Sea Surface REASONABLE At Sea Air IMPOSSIBLE o Definition Possession of fish below or above a specified size or outside a slot category is prohibited Advantages Enforceable Disadvantages Manpower intensive Difficult to monitor with significant quantities of catch Bycatch Enforcement via Landed o Rating Overall IMPRACTICAL Dockside DIFFICULT At Sea Surface IMPRACTICAL At Sea Air IMPOSSIBLE o Definition This enforcement measure aims to restrict bycatch of a particular species by imposing a percent bycatch landed limitation Advantages There are no advantages Disadvantages Difficult to enforce and even more difficult to prosecute Promotes the incentive to cheat by high grading Recommendations Maintain same standards across jurisdictions Combine this with a regulation to restrict types of gear used in fishery Policies should be fluid enough to change with industry recommendations Segregating the bycatch would facilitate enforcement Role of Law Enforcement o Must work with resource managers closely to determine priorities Know Subtle Poaching generally Know Concept of Fair Chase Negligent Hunting Statute POST hiring requirements Safe boating certification requirements Use of Force o Deadly force o Less lethal force o Serious physical injury o Deadly weapon VERSUS Dangerous Instrument Know North American Wildlife Model Federal Laws Trapping Hunting requirements Fishing requirements Please note this information is just an overview There are Powerpoints on the website that you can look over for more information Professor announced in class that the information on the test is simple don t overthink Have an awesome summer Good luck

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UConn NRE 3201 - Final Exam Study Guide

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