UIUC CEE 330 - Review2review (1)

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Review 2 CEE 330 1 A Bioaccumulation B Biodegradation C Neither 2 http worldoceanreview com en files 2010 10 k4 pcb anreicherung marin nkette e en jpg A sealed 1 Liter container contains 500mL water 200 mL soil 1 organic carbon and density of 2 1 g cm 3 and 300 mL of air The temperature is 25 C One hundred g of a pollutant are added to the container The container is then incubated until equilibrium is achieved between all three phases K H is 10 7L atm mol at 25 C and logKoc of 2 28 Assuming that no chemical or biological degradation occurs during incubation what is the aqueous phase concentration of the pollutant at equilibrium mg L R 0 08205Latm moleK What mass balance equation should be used for this problem A Total mass of TCE added mass of TCE dissolved in water mass of TCE in air mass of sorbed TCE B 100mg Vw C w Vair Cair M soil Csoil C 100mg Vw C w Vair Cair D A or B E None of the above 3 Mass balance at equilibrium Total mass of TCE added mass of TCE dissolved in water mass of TCE in air mass of sorbed TCE 100mg Vw C w Vair Cair M soil Csoil Vw 500mL Vair 300mL 4 A sealed 1 Liter container contains 500mL water 200 mL soil 1 organic carbon and density of 2 1 g cm 3 and 300 mL of air The temperature is 25 C One hundred g of a pollutant are added to the container The container is then incubated until equilibrium is achieved between all three phases K H is 10 7L atm mol at 25 C and logKoc of 2 28 Assuming that no chemical or biological degradation occurs during incubation what is the aqueous phase concentration of the pollutant at equilibrium mg L R 0 08205Latm moleK Find the relationship between concentration in air and concentration in water A Cair 0 44Cw mole L B Cair Cw mole L C Cair 100Cw mole L D None of the above 5 cm3 g M soil Vsoil r soil 200mL 2 1 3 420 g mL cm Pair K H atm M Cw Pair K H atm M Cw Pair Cair nRT Cair RT K H atm M Cw Vair K H atm M Cw 10 7Cw 0 44Cw mole L Latm RT 0 08205 298 K moleK 6 A sealed 1 Liter container contains 500mL water 200 mL soil 1 organic carbon and density of 2 1 g cm 3 and 300 mL of air The temperature is 25 C One hundred g of a pollutant are added to the container The container is then incubated until equilibrium is achieved between all three phases K H is 10 7L atm mol at 25 C and logKoc of 2 28 Assuming that no chemical or biological degradation occurs during incubation what is the aqueous phase concentration of the pollutant at equilibrium mg L R 0 08205Latm moleK A Cw 20 ppb B Cw 70 ppb C Cw 200 ppb D None of the above 7 Csoil K K oc L kg f oc 102 28 L kg 0 01 1 9 L kg Cw Csoil 1 9 L kg Cw 420 g 1 9 mL g Cw M soil Csoil 420 g 1 9 mL g Cw 798mL Cw 100mg 500mL C w 300mL 0 44Cw 798mL Cw Cw 1430mL 100mg Cw 0 07 mg mL 70 ppb 1430mL 8 5 Estimate the time for toluene in the NAPL to be removed Assume the concentration of toluene in the groundwater stays at its initial concentration no sorbing or degradation until all of the toluene has been removed Porosity 0 34 Distance traveled by water in 1 year is 0 0287m solubility from EPIWIN 526 mg L at 25 C Mass of NAPL is around 31000 g 4m 2m 9 Lm in 1 year toluene will travel a distance of 0 0287 m year in 1 year toluene will occupy a control volume of 0 0287m year 2m 4m 0 34 0 0078m 3 year Toluent leaving with fluid 52 6g m 3 0 0078m3 year 4 1g year When contaminated water is removed fresh water comes in and sorbed and NAPL toluene is released into water 31000 g Time to remove toluent 7660 years 4 1g year 10

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UIUC CEE 330 - Review2review (1)

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