4 14 2015 The goal of wastewater treatment is to protect human health and the environment Wastewater Treatment 9 1 9 6 textbook Slide citation Dr J Guest Wastewater treatment plants are a barrier between public waste and our aquatic resources Wastewater treatment plants have a series of important unit processes to clean water Liquids Handling Solids Handling Slide citation Dr J Guest Wastewater treatment plants Slide citation Dr J Guest The influent screening removes large solids such as branches and large trash items http pengolahanairlimbah com pengolahan air limbah fisika html 1 4 14 2015 The grit chamber removes grit like sand that settles out of the water quickly http www hatchmott com www cleanearthenvironmental com The primary clarifier removes things that settle more slowly and float http www flickr com photos 62335038 N08 6347365348 The microorganisms in the biological reactor remove or transform contaminants Activated Sludge Process The secondary clarifier removes suspended solid flocs and pretty clean water overflows the weirs www ovivowater com www wastewater com http www fairfield city org www wecprojects co za http commons wikimedia org wiki File Beckton STP Activated Sludge Tank geograph org uk 1481906 jpg Chlorine or UV light are used for disinfection of secondarily treated wastewater Chlorine or UV light are used for disinfection of secondarily treated wastewater www ovivowater com http www fairfield city org www mindfully org www wichitafallstx gov www mindfully org www strand com 2 4 14 2015 Chlorine or UV light are used for disinfection of secondarily treated wastewater www ovivowater com The bar screen removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids Remove big debris 4 5 mm None of the above http www fairfield city org www water technology net www mindfully org The grit chamber removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove solids that sink to the bottom All of the above None of the above The primary clarifier removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids B and C None of the above What is the principle objective of primary mechanical treatment A Remove carbonaceous organic matter i e BOD B Remove settleable floatable or too large pollutants C Remove pathogens D Remove salt E Remove nutrient Activated sludge Q Qr Xr Xw 3 4 14 2015 What is the principle objective of secondary biological treatment A Remove carbonaceous organic matter i e BOD B Remove settleable floatable or large pollutants C Remove pathogens D Remove salt E Remove nutrient completely Review BOD and DO Lt Loe kt Lo BODt Lt BODt Loe kt Lo BODt 1 e kt or BODt Lo 1 e kt BODt DOo DOt 14 23 The aeration tank removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids B and C None of the above Can bacteria in activated sludge degrade fat and grease A Yes B No 12 06 What is the primary food for bacteria in activated sludge process A Oxygen and carbonaceous organic matter B Oxygen C Carbonaceous organic matter D Synthetic compounds E None of the above Why is iron solution added to partially treated wastewater in some situations A to inactivate pathogens B to remove phosphate particulates C to raise pH D to reduce pH E none of the above 6 75 4 23 4 4 14 2015 Ferric chloride FeCl3 as coagulant Coagulation Flocculation Coagulation flocculation are important clarification processes that cause particles to aggregate so that they can be removed from water more easily by settling and or filtration FeCl3 Fe3 Cl 25 Anaerobic Digestion 26 What are the requirement conditions for the digester A Low temperature B High temperature C No oxygen D B and C E No idea What are the beneficial use of wastewater sludge A Fertilizer B Methane gas production by sludge digestion at 55 and 35 C C Hydrogen gas production D A and B E B and C What happens in an anaerobic digester A BOD is further removed B Bacteria consume BOD in oxygen free environment C Methane is produced D A and B E A and B and C 11 00 6 75 5 4 14 2015 What can the treated liquid from the digester be used for A Irrigation because it is free of pathogens B Nothing because it is smelly C There is no need to use this D I have no idea What can we use biogas from digester for A Fertilizer B Electricity C Fuel for vehicles D B and C E No idea Nutrient Recovery Includes A Nitrogen in the form of ammonium sulfate B Phosphate C Iron D A and B E No idea Water Reuse How does that work Global Drought and Flood Condition Nov 2014 Water for Irrigation http drought eng uci edu 6 4 14 2015 http peakwater org wp content uploads 2014 10 droughtFI jpg Texas Drought Condition in 2011 and 2012 Projected New Supplies for Texas Water in 2060 Partial List of Reuse Facilities in Texas Lake Travis Austin TX 2011 http www twdb texas gov innovativewater reuse projects reuseadvance doc component c final pdf http www window state tx us specialrpt drought 96 1704 Drought pdf http www pbs org newshour rundown u s headed mega drought 21st century scientists warn http www twdb texas gov innovativewater reuse projects reuseadvance doc component a final pdf Global Food and Water Safety Group Transport and Survival of Pathogens in Aquatic Environment Water Reuse Application http www water ca gov recycling 7
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