UIUC CEE 330 - 8.wastewater.prelecture

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Wastewater treatment plants Wastewater Treatment 11 1 11 6 textbook The bar screen removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids Remove big debris 4 5 mm None of the above What is the principle objective of primary mechanical treatment A Remove carbonaceous organic matter i e BOD B Remove settleable floatable or too large pollutants C Remove pathogens D Remove salt E Remove nutrient The grit chamber removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids All of the above None of the above Activated sludge Q Qr Xr Xw 1 What is the principle objective of secondary biological treatment A Remove carbonaceous organic matter i e BOD B Remove settleable floatable or too large pollutants C Remove pathogens D Remove salt E Remove nutrient completely The aeration tank removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids B and C None of the above 14 23 What is the primary food for bacteria in activated sludge process A Oxygen and carbonaceous organic matter B Oxygen only C Carbonaceous organic matter only D Synthetic compounds E None of the above Can bacteria in activated sludge degrade fat and grease A Yes B No 12 06 The primary clarifier removes A B C D E Remove BOD Remove grease Remove suspended solids B and C None of the above What are the beneficial use of wastewater sludge A Fertilizer B Methane gas production by sludge digestion at 55 and 35 C C Hydrogen gas production D A and B E B and C 11 00 6 75 2 Why iron solution is added to partially treated wastewater A to inactivate pathogens B to remove phosphate particulates C to raise pH D to reduce pH E none of the above What happens in an anaerobic digester A BOD is further removed B Bacteria consume BOD in oxygen free environment C Methane is produced D A and B E A and B and C 6 75 4 23 Life Cycle Impact of WWTP Moving and treat water and wastewater consume about 4 of the nation s energy Water and wastewater treatment contribute substantially to CO2 emission due to energy use In addition N2O are emitted during treatment Wastewater can be used to produce energy methane and hydrogen gas Making Efficient Hydrogen Production a Reality Microbial Fuel Cell from Wastewater 3

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UIUC CEE 330 - 8.wastewater.prelecture

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