UIUC CEE 330 - 8.quiz7 2015(1)

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Advanced Water Purification 1 Q1 What is the first stage of advanced water treatment A Reverse osmosis B UV irradiation C Advanced oxidation D Membrane filtration E None of the above 30 sec 2 Q2 What does membrane filtration do A Destroy contaminants B Remove salt C Particles viruses and bacteria are removed D None of the above 30 sec 3 Q3 What does UV disinfection do A UV light make the pathogens smaller B UV light destroys the DNA of the pathogens C UV create chemicals that destroy pathogens D None of the above 30 sec 4 Q4 According to the below reaction how does alum work in coagulation flocculation Al2 SO4 3 18H2O 2Al3 3SO42 18H2O A Neutralize the positive charge on the particle surface B Form precipitates that capture the particles C Neutralize the negative charge on the particle surface D None of the above E A and B but not C 1 min Q5 According to the below reaction how does alum work in coagulation flocculation Al2 SO4 3 18H2O 6HCO3 2Al OH 3 3SO42 6CO2 18H2O A Neutralize the positive charge on the particle surface B Form precipitates that capture the particles C Neutralize the negative charge on the particle surface D None of the above E A and B but not C 1 min Q6 Chlorine is used to disinfect water Data for 2 concentrations of chlorine are presented below For chlorine concentration of C 4 7 mg L what is the rate constant k A 0 6667 B 0 6667x2 3 1 53 C Neither of the above dN N k N exp k t dt N0 1 min 7 Answers 1 D 2 C 3 C to form chemicals you need peroxide and UV having UV alone only genome of pathogens are destroyed 4 C Al3 neutralized negatively charged particles 5 B Al OH 3 precipitates capture particles 6 B the Y axis is log10 so you need to convert

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UIUC CEE 330 - 8.quiz7 2015(1)

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